archangel-chapter 25

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After Lucas left me, I went back inside going straight to the bathroom so i wouldn't scare any bystanders with my raccoon face.

A couple dabs with toilet paper a few strokes of mascara and a plastered smile, I went back to the hall staring at everyone dancing. Wondering on how many dances II missed, I bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry I wasnt~Sam?"

Sam nodded her head and kept on walking zombie like, towards the back of the hall where the exit was.

"Sam, wait where're you going?" I called after her, she didn't reply. I sighed and started to follow her.

With me hot on Sam's heels, someone latched on to my elbow

"Hey Alex, you okay?"

"Yea, just...there's something wrong with Sam."

"So you've finally admitted that shes a psychopath?"

I punched Jose on the shoulder, "No, there's something wrong she wont answer me,"

"Maybe she cant hear you,"

I shook my head

"No she could hear me alright, I was a foot away from her. She ignored me and kept on walking away."

Jose looked down at me for a bit and sighed, "Fine, lets go find her. Don't want her to end up in a wheelchair next."

He got another one of my punches.

15 minutes passed by and we still couldn't find, Sam.

"Where could she have gone so quickly?!" I asked frustrated, plopping down on a chair.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom?" Jose suggested pacing around in front of me.

I shook my head, "I just checked in there and found a girl stuffing her bra,"

As Jose kept on giving me ideas of where she might've went, my head started to throb. My hand went to the side of my head rubbing it to ease the pain.

"Alex, whats wrong?" Jose asked getting on his knees so he was my height.

I ignored him and closed my eyes tightly, the pain kept on growing and growing. Jose said something about talking to him but i could barely hear myself think. The pounding kept on increasing, then a picture popped in my head no more like a video.

My visions

The girl...the one in my dream before. She was the one who looked like she was in middle school. She was in a black tight dress that cascaded down to the ground with a slit on the right side. Her hair was yet again braided in a high pony tail.

I felt someone holding on to my shoulders shaking me lightly. 

Angel, angel listen to me


Yea its me, now tell me what your seeing.

My thoughts started to clear up a bit and i could focus on the vision more than the pain. There was a clock, an ancient clock but a clock, it had a time on it.

A clock with a time.....10:45?

My vision was slowly coming to an end, what i last saw was the braided girl with Sam outside on a field.


What about Sam, Alex. What about her! Think don't close your vision.

A rubber band snapped inside of my head and the pressure that was in my head released like a balloon letting go of the air.

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