archangel-chapter 26

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There was a time in the beginning of freshman year, where Sam and I were playing on the swing set at the elementary school down the street from our high school. We were ready to leave since Father was strict about my curfew and Elena wasn't at home to cover for me. I was half way to my car when I noticed that Sam wasn't behind me. I turned and looked to see her crouched down with her hair covering her face. She usually did that when she was upset, so I hurried over to her seeing if she was hurt. I asked whats wrong as soon as I was close to Sam. She looked up at me with tears rolling down her face. She then looked down and I followed her gaze. My hand flew to my mouth as I gagged. A crow was on the ground with a bullet lodged inside of its chest. Half of its face was eaten away by the maggots that you could see making its way through the crow's empty eye socket. My gaze laid back on Sam as she stared at the dead crow. This was Sam though. She doesnt cry over little things. That was the moment where I realized something about Sam. That she cant see an innocent animal or person dead or dying. My thoughts were confirmed as she explained it to me after I coaxed her into my car. Innocent people shouldn't have a horrible death. Not even a crow whos symbolized as a evil creature. She thought of herself before she was introduced to street fighting how she would get beat everyday even though she didnt do anything besides existing. She was innocent and weak, it was never her fault.

This wasn't her fault either. The dead bodies that was surrounding her.

 "Stay put..." Lucas said as my feet began walking towards Sam.

Shelia laughed, "Oh the look on your face is priceless, Archangel Uriel."

"You bitch, you made her do this!" I spat feeling the rage racing through my veins. The sight of Sam battered and bruised, wasn't the worst thing about her state. It was her eyes that brought shivers down my spine. The light behind them was gone as if she was dead. Like she didn't know what was happening beyond her.

"This is not of my doing, young Uriel." Shelia said putting her hand to her chest

"This is Lillian's doing." Lucas said. We were now side by side facing Sam and Shelia.

"Oh yes, Lillian devised this plan. She is quite fond of your human friend" Shelia said

"How is she controlling her?" I asked Lucas,

"Lillian can control anything living, its her dark twisted power."' Lucas gritted out, "You have to have a strong mind to be able to dodge her control over your mind and body. She has no problem controlling humans, struggles with guardians, but can't touch Archangels."

"If we're done with Uriel's lesson's can we get the show on the road please?" Shelia said picking at her fingernails

"Why does she keep calling me Uriel?!"

"Well if you weren't such a stubborn mule you would know everything don't ya think!" Lucas said before running towards Shelia.

"Wait!" I yelled as he soared off to fight Sheila,

Lucas did anything but wait instead he charged straight at Shelia, who didn't even move. Who did move was Sam holding the bloody sword in her hands swinging at Lucas. Lucas swiftly deflected it by moving to the opposite side.

"Dammit Shelia, fight me yourself!" Lucas yelled retreating back as Sam kept coming at him with a sword.

"Sorry honey but my orders were not to take so long in retrieving the girl Uriel."

"My name is Alex!" I screamed

She completely ignored me protest and looked my why with a boring look on her face. "You're a pest." Then she was in my face with a matter of seconds, I barely had time to blink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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