Episode 24

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The tall male, the officer had a deep frown present on his face as he stalks upstairs, looking at the messy living as well, thinking who could've caused all this, in just a while.


Snapping his head up, the officer's eyes fall upon the similar outline of the attic door present on the wooden roof, making him tuck his gun in his belt fot a while, before reaching for m the door, to yank it open.

Coughing as some dust falls on his face, the male scratches his chin, looking at the ladder fallen to his feet, maybe he shouldn't climb it, who knows if someone's up there?.

The male as he climbs up, his eyes shift towards the moving figure in the dark, making him pull his flashlight put suddenly and move it around the isolated areas.

He almost drops the torch, when the light falls on the struggling boy tied up in the corner, making hom quickly crawl towards his side.

"God, kid, let's get you outta here"

Ignoring the males muffled screams, he unties his hands first, them going for his mouth, making the male scream out.

"Get down!"He screams as a knife goes flying past the officer's head, almot slicing his head through, making him curse out loud.

Hoseok quickly taking action, takes the loosened the rope off his bruised wrists, taking the other man's weapon out when he find it ticked in the side belt, whereas the other officer was staring at his men's deaf bodies on the dirty floor, with wide eyes.

"Fucking don't shoot like t-"

A loud gunshot sound rings in both their ears, as the smaller boy shakes looking at the growling demon on the ground, clutching his side as his teeth we're bared out dangerously.

"What the fuck is that!?"The officer screams out.

"G-Go down, now, hurry!"The teerfied male shouts as he hands the gun to the officer, scrambling behind him as well, afraid something will grab his leg yet again, but no.

"Kid, tell me what's going on here, I thought this was a break in!"

"I can't explain now, b-but we gotta burn the house down"

The officer stops for a while staring at the male.

"What!?"He yells loudly cursing when another object hits past his legs, making them both run down hurriedly.

"Oh shit son, you're bleeding"The officer curses looking at the blood seeping through the younger's chest area, as they pant arriving to thr kitchen.

"J-Just set all gas turnings on, as many as you can"Hoseok stammers out as he searches for the matches or something to lighten the fire up, making thr officer shake his head, turning thr gas stove up first.

"That'll do"He murmurs not wanting to go out.

"G-Get out of the house!"Hoseok sighs shakily getting thr matches in his hands, sweaty from fear as the officer takes his shoulders guiding him out.

"C'mon, kid!"

Hoseok was about to follow when hands grasp his waist, restraining him from going out yet.

"Go, go, take these, burn the house"Hoseok screams as he's pulled back roughly tossing the matches luckily to the male, who's wide eyes look at the male, thr gun in his hands shaking.

"Go!"Hoseok screams out loudly as tears begin to roll down his cheeks, when claws dig into his skin, painful.

Just as the door was about to slam close, the male sprints out the house before it can close, as he grunts cursing.

"Damn it"He mumbles as his shaking hands light up a match, staring at the house once again.

"I'll come back soon, we'll come back very soon, love"

Hoseok frowns as his bruised body was pushed through the window before he grunts lying on the empty road.

The officer without thinking, lights up a match, throwing it towards the gas filled house, as it lands inside the window, making a loud boom sound ring.

Hoseok gasps as the whole house lights up on fire, small rocks splashing everywhere, as the officer coughs backing away from the fire.

Before hr can think, loud sirens ring on his ears, police cars and ambulances parking near the house, some people coming to his aid.

He knee they could've stopped all this, but they just let him him go, why?

"Jesus kid, get up"

Before he knows it, his vision turns black.


Well, one more chapter and this story ends.

I'll publish it rn

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