Episode 14

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The male's soft pants are in his ears, as he gives up on trying to climb the window with the rocking, which broke earlier, causing his skin to scratch and slight blood appear from the rash.

He was about to curse loudly, but hears a ring from downstairs.

The door bell rang.

He stops his movements for a while, carefully listening to the sounds downstairs.

After a while of silence, loud screaming is heard downstairs, making his eyes to go wide in horror.

He gasps when the attic door is yanked open again, making him back away towards the wall, flinching at the cold contact.

His eyes were wide, as his heart beat went faster at the scene before his eyes.

Hoseok yelps when a body was thrown, bloody body was thrown in the attic, by the looks of it, the bldy was a police officer's.

The boy frowns as the figure carries another body inside, throwing it carelessly, like its a rag doll of some sort.

He thought the door was going to be shut or something, but another figure enters it, loud thudding sounds errupting from the tough steps.

He gulps, eyes wide as he watches the smoky figure, slumps back inside, the knife clutched in his blood dripping hand as he stares at Hoseok's trembling figure.

Quickly walking over towards the scared boy, stepping on the dead bodied with no hesitance or so, the figure reaches towards the male, making his breathing to hitch.

Hoseok yelps when the cold hand grabs his throat, the butcher knife close to his throat, making him close his eyes, waiting for the pain.

This is it, he's gonna die.

Trembling as the pointy end touches his neck, making him gulp thickly.

He hears a grunt, a deep grunt before the pointed knife leaves his throat, making him frown, and open his eyes.
Looking at the pitch black eyes, Hoseok gulps when the creature turns its head away, looking around for something, before spotting a rope, and picks it up quickly.

Hosepl winces when the cold hand grabs his bruised wrist, as well as the other, before signalling Hoseok to stay still, as he ties the knot, tying Hoseok's hands tightly.

Hoseok stares with frightened eyes, as the figure just stares at him, eyes boring into his frame, making him squirm.

Hearing a loud thud outisde, the figure breaks his trance and snaps his head towards the attic entrance, a low growl is heard in Hoseok's ears before the figure gets up in a snap.

Shit, maybe it was Hyuk.

He needed to get free now.


The male groans, as he slides out of the cramped place, almost hitting his head on the wooded bed, before he sits up, silently.

The woman, Maria, he got the name, did tell him another method of ending all this.

Burn the board, simple.

Except that they can get killed if spotted by those said demons.

But he can't burn the board alone, he needed the person who played with him.


He just needed to find out whether the boy was alive or not, otherwise if he did it alone, all would end up the wrong way.

Gulping, as he stuffs the phone in his pocket, getting on all fours, before deciding to crawl to places, since walking makes too much noise.

Peeking from the doorway, the male's eyes fall on the open entrance ontop of the roof, rising his suspicion on it.

What's up there?

He soon finds his answers when he sees the blood dragged across the wooden floor, up towards the ladder.

He did hear the bell ring and all, but he was too to focused on the call, he couldn't figure anything else out.

He wad about to crawl towards the hallway, but ends up colliding with few boxes, knocking them over, emitting a loud sound from them as they fall heavily.

"Shit"He curses and hurriedly scrambles to another room, hiding under the bed yet again.

His breath hitches when he sees two smoky feet come down the wooden ladder, footsteps coming his way, making him slide further away.

He controls his ragged breathing from the fear, and keeps his body still, as the figure stumbles around, in the same room as his.

He almost sighs in relief when he sees the same board lying on the carpeted floor, he found the board, he just needed to burn it.


Hearing a loud scream of his name, the male's eyes widen at the fimiliar voice.


Thank you so much for reading ❤

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