Episode 21

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'No one deserves mercy...'

Words rang in the male's mind, as he tries to register in the information given to him all of a sudden.

So, Maria wasn't as innocent as he thought she was.

She wad monster herself, as the other told him.

But Hoseok knew, she's dead, they killed her as well...but why is he alive in all this madness?

Do they want him alive, or are they just playing with him again?

He shouldn't lose hope, yet, as he can still break the connection somehow if he can get his hands on the board, once he does, he had to act quick..

..but its not that's easy.

There are literally two demons living in his house at this moment, and there's no way he can do this without them slitting his throat.

"Hmm, you're thinking about escaping again, how bold of you"

The voice startled him, making him gulp thickly as he cowers away against the wall, one figure approaches him from the dark.

"Were these horrors not enough for you, doll?"

Cowering away to the corner of the room, the male trembles as he stares at the figure, fear running through him.

"You like to play games, hmm?"

The figure hums gently as he throws the bloody knife down on thr floor, as he stalks towards the male, and crouches down infront of the male, making his heart beat even faster.

"Tell you what, let's play a game.."

There was a sick grin plastered on the demon's face as he takes Hoseok's hair in his hands, yanking the messy hair towards him, making the male cry out in pain.

"...its a pretty common one, don't worry.."

The grin widens as a finger traces his cheek, sharp nails poking into his flesh .

"...but with a nice little twist"

Hoseok's teary eyes snap at that, making him stare at those pitch black eyes of the demon, fear filling his bldy even more.

"You see darling, its a simple game of hide and seek..."

His slow talking made everything even more terrifying to the small boy.

"..except there is one..sick, twisted rule.."

Hoseok cries out when lips we're pressed against his ear, making his body weak and tremble.

"..rule number one is..if you get caught by us.."

Nails scratch his neck hrashky, as a cold mouth presses on his ear again.

"...you're ours"

Hoseok's breath hitches in his throat as the lips leave his ear, a smirk on the demon's face still.

"Wh-What yo-you—"

"Shh....the counting's starting darling, you better run"

His tied wrists were untied suddenly as the demon vanishes in the air, leaving the male to himself,

"Win before the clock rings.."

Gulping the male wobbles his body up, to his feet.

His hands were trembling as he leans against the wall, inhaling shakily before he begins walking outisde the room, noticing the door's suddenly unlocked.

He had to find this board, and breaks it, he'll figure something out, he just needed the board.

Looking around, the male freezes on his steps, hearing footsteps from different places, making him look in all directions.

These bastards were confusing him.

Ignoring the noises, the male crouches down, looking from the stairs, as the board lies near..a dead body....

..of Hyuk..

Tears brim his eyes at the though of losing his friend again, bjt he blinks thrm away quickly.

"I'm so sorry"He croaks out weakly staring from the stairs to the down floor, where the limp lies, all bloody.


Snapping his head towards where the door was openin, the male quickly runs to the other direction, his breath fast and unsteady.

Thud, Thud, Thud.

Gulping when footsteps near him, making him hide behind the other bed side when he reached the wrecked bedroom.

"I can sense your fear baby, you're so scared.."

Chuckling ran in his ears as he hides down the bed, blinking his tears back again, he clutches his shirt tightly in fear.

What the hell has he gotten hinself into?


Thank you so much for reading, though its very short ❤

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