Episode 8

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×—Few Days Later—×

The male sighs, as he crouches down and places the bouquet of fresh flowers on the grave, before wiping the slight tears welling up in his eyes.

Its been few days since ge lost the three of his best friends, its painful really.

Whenever he thinks about the incidents, sadness engulf him in a big hug.

Sighing, as the small male turns around, to leave the graveyard, he walks on the bumpy grass, his hands tucked in his pockets.

He remembers getting a call from the hospital, that Mark couldn't make it, due to his skull being cracked badly, his leg bone being broken and the blood loss.

Yugyeom died after, painfully, the night he died, people found his limp body down his window, some claimed he was pushed down the window by someone, murder, others claim it was an accident, and some claim, its suicide.

Jackson's was horrfying, he can't Eben describe the details his mother told him.

His dull eyes fix on his lock, as he tries unlocking his door, as he's at his front door at the moment, the make on his writs still present there.

"C'mon lady, scram!"

A loud voice screams as Hoseok turns his head towards it, anger suddenly boiling inside him.

An elderly lady was being pushed by a gang of teenagers, his age, they seem.

He huffs, walking over to the scene, having enough of their unkind actions.

"Hey hey, enough, is that how you treat your elders!?"He asks as he hoits the poor woman up, making her say a 'thank you' in a weak voice.

"Whatever dude, have fun taking care of weird lady here"The guy snickers at him, turning around as they all walk away, making Hoseok rolls his eyes, focusing on the woman again.

"Are you okay, ma'am?"He asks as he takes her by the shoulders towards his own house, making her smile warmly at him.

"Thank you, young man, how kind of you"

Hoseok smiles pushing the door open, making her get in along with the other latter, as Hoseok switches the lights on.

As the woman gets inside, she feels quite uneasy at the living, a frown settlig on her face.

"How long have you been living here, son?"She asks looking around as Hoseok breaks a smile.

"Oh not long, I just shifted here a few weeks ago"He shrugs if off, allowing the woman to sit dowm on the sofa, before walking towards the kitchen, to make her something.

"That's...nice"She mumbles as she looks around the house, her green-ish eyes scanning every detail.

After a while, Hoseok comes back with two cups, handing one to her, and wad about to sit down, but a thing stops him from doing so.

"Ah, this damn thing"He curses to himself as he looks down, seeing a board lying there, making him to lick it up, but before he can do it, a loud gasp is heard throughout the whole room.

"That...where did you get that?"She asks her mouth gaping as Hoseok looks at her confused, motioning to the thing in his hands.

"This?"He asks nearing the board to her, making her gasp, backing away, as Hoseok's eyes widen, he steetles down the board on the sofa again.

"That board is a killer machine, it ruins lives!"She gasps out to him, making the black haired male frown.

"Tell me son, did you use it, tell me"She asks worried for the younger male, making him nod, with a gulp, as she gapes at him.

"How many times?"

"More than one..."Hoseok trails off making her let out another silent gasp.

"Were you the only person using it?"She again asks as the smaller shakes his head.

"No, we were actually f-four"

"Oh my god son, you're in real danger, call your friends here right now, they aren't safe!"She warns as Hoseok gulps thickly.

"T-They can't come right now..."

"You don't understand boy, you're not safe, neither are any your friends, where are they?"She asks.

"....they d-died"Hoseok echoes making her cover her mouth in shock.

"You...you are not safe son, trust me, you're in more danger than you think"

"The devils are after you, they won't give up until they have what they want"

"Woah woah, d-devils, wah—?"Hoseok asks in shock as he looks at her with wide eyes.

"They're the demons, the cruel myths, they were trying to make a connection with our world, and now that they have a connection, they'll make your life living hell"

Hoseok's breathing and heartbeat got faster with each word she said.

"They first started by doing some small noises, right, you must've heard them at night, even your friends must've heard them"

A nod, was all Hoseok gave.

"Then, small movements, they started with the weakest.."She trails off with wide eyes, turning to look
at him.

"...you're next"


I'm sorry that the chapter is crappy and messed up.

Thank you so much for reading ❤

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