Episode 13

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Loud screaming is heard throughout the house, as the small male kicks and trashes his legs around, trying to get the grip off his leg, the figure was tall as he guesses, with smoky substance floating around it.

Hoseok yelps when the door of the attic was roughly yanked down, making a ladder appear down.

The figure let's out a grunt, as he turns around, making Hoseok's breathing hitch, looking at its face, it was pale, very pale, with bloody red lips, and whole dark eyes boring into his own.

He remembers that face from somehere.

He gasps as his waist was grabbed by cold-hands, as his body is hoisted up, like a rag doll, and he's roughly thrown up, right in the attic, his back coming harshly in contact with the dusty floor.

With a silent grunt, the male hears the attic door close with a slam, as a loud click is heard.

Did-Did it just lock him in here?

Good thing he's not killed yet.

Sitting up quickly, the male crawls towards the outline on the floor, pushing it, trying his best to open it, but it can only be opened from the other side, or you have to break it.

"Hyuk"Hoseok mutters under his
breath, hearing silence from the other side, making panic rise within him.

"Fuck"He curses looking around, for something that can break the door open.

Banging the floor roughly, as his fists start to ache from the hitting, he stands up from his position, almost hitting his head on the roof.

There is a small window up here.


The tall male's breathing was quick as his eyes land on the device, picking it up and slides his body down the bed, his eyes focused on the screen.

Hoseok did call the police, they'll be here soon, but he needed to find Hoseok...whether he's dead or not.

He finds a contact, unknown one saved in.

He dials the number, hoping its the same lady, Hoseok was talking about.

His eyes widen when footsteps echoed in his ears, meaning someone's close to him.

"Hello, Maria speaking"

His hands clutch the phone tightly, as he tries his best to be silent, his chest rising and falling.

"U-Uh, hello, miss, do you know...any Hoseok, by any chance?"He says in a small voice that can only be heard in the phone.

"Hoseok...ah yes, Jung Hoseok, the boy, I do actually, what about him?"

How the hell does that clear it up!?

"Are you the one who told him about the board?"

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