My fate

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Preethi pov

Itz already been a month since our marriage, as usual routine was going on. Arhan was trying to bring in more customers to the business to expand it so he went to Delhi yesterday and will come only after 2 days.

After a day I had started to miss Arhan both at home and at office. When he was around me Every min and moments I tried to detach from him but now,I
never knew his presence around me had such an  effect.I was missing him even though he was far for two days it was so strange for me.

It was the day Arhan had to arrive, he called up
Mum in morning and said he will reach here by 5pm  he also told he and few other staff who went with him would drive back here from Delhi. As Everyday I went to office and came back both aunty and Uncle also came by  7pm. We waited till 10pm Still we dint have trace of Arhan. Dad tried to call him on his mobile but it was switched off. Dad got a call from some one and told that the car in which Arhan was travelling in had met with accident.

My fear was running on peaks. My heart beat was rising as every minute passed by. As every say My bad Fate had hit him also for no mistake of his. The only mistake he made for marrying me. The day I feared had come , this is why I dint attach to Arhan how much he tried to come to me. How much Aunty tried to convince me.

I was just praying God that my fate should not attach to him this time. I was crying constantly as Uncle and Aunty were trying to trace what exactly had happened. As this news went viral many people started to pour in to the house being worried about Arhan.

Each one of them started to talk many things ,this talks were adding more fuel to my fear and my crying worsened. As this was continuing one lady came out saying even after knowing my fate Arhan was a fool to marry me that's why today my bad has even effected him.

Suddenly I head another voice saying  "It is because of her and her good fate that I am back here safely". I turned to see owner of the voice it was Arhan. He was the one who spoke I could Not believe myself the only thing I did was just ran towards him and hugged him and cried.

Later he said because of last min corrections that preethi had send in a file it got delayed for him to Sign off documents with client. so he dint start with other people in car and he took a flight instead. Since he was in flight his mobile was off.

For the first time my fate had changed my Bad had indeed turned in to good one because of Arhan and for Arhan. I was so happy that Arhan was safe and nothing happened to him.

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