Physical touch

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Both me and Arhan got ready I was wearing pink colour Selwar suit and he wore a white colour sharwani. He was so handsome in it. He caught me as I was just staring at him and blushing to myself. I do no what's wrong with me these days, this is happening most of the times. May be Even without listening to my mind my heart is having a pull towards him.

We went to place where functions will be held, people were dancing & singing songs and enjoying. I was looking at all the decorations then head someone talking it was Arjuna granny she told there will be some games for all the couples who are here and at the end granny will Judge who did best and she said a reward all awaits . All the couple  in the hall become exited but I was scared and nervous I taught I will not play these games but We were made  to play by granny without any choice.

First she told all girls to apply henna on the hand and we all did and then she asked us to go to our partners, then she asked them to find their names written on henna.Arhan started to find his name he was sitting so close to me his breath fanned my shoulders I was feeling really shy and at same time was an unknown happiness in me.. finally he was able to find his name on my hand and we were done with it.

Next game was musical chair but in this couple will run together round the chair and once the music stops Guys sits on chair and girls have to sit on their lap. Music started and every time it stopped I sat on Arhan lap. Initially I felt uncomfortable but later was enjoying every time I sat on him and the way he caught me by my waist so that I would not fall off. I was surprised by myself to see how perfectly I fit on his lap. We were the only couple left out in last and we won this game..

Flying the kites game was the one most I liked. At start I was trying to pull out kite and Arhan held the thread of it kite went half way and was getting struck later Arhan held my hand and we both together strated to fly it it went really up he was holding me very tight. I felt his hug from behind my shoulders my cheek had become a full red tomato. His friends started to tease us. I dint know how to react so I just hugged him so that no one could see my face more.

We played many games like this and granny decided tht we were one amoung the best couples that she had chosen she gave us nice rings and asked us to exchange it. We did as she said so and finally by the time our games ended both of us had become comfortable with each other touches. This is the first step we put together for our marriage to work.

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