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I actually have kind of an idea for a sequel for this story and I 🤡 feel dumb bc I don't think enough people still read this to want/be interested in a sequel of this story lol

((I know this is annoying and I'm sorry but writing so much takes so much time & I'm trying really hard but the votes and comments on the last chapters have been fluctuating so much and I 🙃 don't know what it means 🙃 I have no idea if you guys are liking what I'm writing or not it's kinda frustrating I'm sorry I just don't know anymore))

Here's a new chapter. Hope you guys like it.

Word count: 1153


"Ashley!" Joshua exclaimed happily as Tyler and Ashley entered the house. "Joshua!" She cheered as she hurried up to him and she hugged her brother, before greeting the rest.

"Tyler?" Laura spoke up as she walked into the hallway, where tyler still was. "Yeah?" He asked.

She looked behind her to see if Joshua or anyone else was paying attention, and they weren't, so she turned back to Tyler. "I... I don't know how far my husband would go once I let him know I'm with Joshua", she said. "But... he knows and immediately recognizes my car", she said. "Do you think he would drive around to try and find out where Joshua is?" He asked. She shrugged softly. "I'm not sure, but..." she trailed. "Don't wanna risk that", Tyler said. "Yeah, exactly", she nodded. "Well let's bring it somewhere else then", he said, before he stepped into the living room.

"Hey, Laura and I will be back in a few minutes", Tyler told them all before he turned around and he grabbed his keys again. "C'mon", he said and they left the house. "Will you follow me again?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, I'll be right behind you", she said and Tyler nodded before they got in their cars. Tyler started the car and waited for Laura to come closer with her car, before he drove away and she followed.

Tyler chose a big parking lot from a store and food corner as far from where his house was as they could without going up the freeway, where she parked her car and then joined Tyler in his car.

"Thank you, Tyler", she thanked him. "I'll do anything for my baby, you know that", he said. "You're a wonderful boy, Tyler. I'm so happy Joshua has you out of all people", she said, making Tyler smile softly. "Thank you", he genuinely thanked Laura with a soft blush.

They drove back to Tyler's place, got out of the car and entered the house again. Laura was going to text Bill now.

Tyler walked up to his boyfriend and he pressed a kiss on his hair. "Hi bunny baby", he said. Joshua giggled as he smiled up at his baby. "Mhm is my baby happy?" Tyler asked as he looked down at his baby as he stood behind Joshua's chair, seeing that Ashley was sitting down on the chair he had been sitting on earlier.

"Yeah", Joshua said as he nodded with a wide smile, head still tilted back to look at his boyfriend.

Tyler hummed and he leaned down. He kissed Joshua's lips, causing the boy to giggle again. "T-ty can we- can we t-talk?" Joshua asked. "'Course, baby. Where D'you wanna talk? Upstairs?" He asked. Joshua nodded. "C'mon bub", Tyler said as he took a step so he was standing next to Joshua. He grabbed his hands and he pulled his boy up from the chair. Joshua wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist and he gave him a quick but tight hug, before he grabbed his boyfriend's hand and they left the room, going upstairs.

Tyler closed the door behind them. "What is it baby?" He asked. "N-Nothing", Joshua admitted softly with a blush. "Oh?" Tyler wondered. Joshua softly shrugged as he sat down on the bed.

"I-I just... it's so b-busy", he said as Tyler sat down next to him. "I l-love your family and my momma and Ashley b-but- but it's a l-little overwhelming", he said. Tyler hummed as he nodded in understanding. "So baby wanted to just be with me for a moment?" Tyler asked with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Joshua. Joshua blushed and nodded as he hummed. "I-I didn't know how- how to say that to them so I thought I could j-just ask you to talk", he said. "Mhm smart, baby", he smiled, kissing Joshua's lips. Joshua softly smiled into the kiss.

"I d-do have a question t-though", he said. "Something that's making you concerned?" Tyler asked and Joshua nodded. "Tell me, sweetie", Tyler told him as he nuzzled his nose against Joshua's cheek.

"Uhm... so- So now that my momma and my siblings are- are okay with me, us..." he trailed. "I'll- I'm- I'm gonna- gonna have t-to go home n-now right?" He asked softly.

"Oh no baby, definitely not", Tyler said. "Unless you want to go home? But we're not sending you home at all my baby, we're keeping you right here with us", Tyler said.

"B-but I'm- I'm only a burden r-right? Like- you're- you're only s-spending more money because of m-me and I'm t-taking all of momma's t-time because she's- she's homeschooling me now-" Joshua started.

"Hey", Tyler interrupted him gently. "You're not going anywhere, baby. Do you want to go home?" He asked. Joshua shook his head quickly. "I-I'm home already", he said. Tyler hugged his boyfriend close as he sighed softly. He pressed soft kisses on Joshua's temple and cheek. "Exactly. You're home already. Your home is right here", he said. "We don't want you to go anywhere else, baby. When you got here the first day, momma told me you and me were allowed to stay even if we were forty years old", Tyler said.

Joshua let out a soft giggle. "S-she's so sweet and- and loving that w-we actually might", he giggled, causing Tyler to laugh. "See that's what I warned her for too", he laughed gently. "But no, baby. Just 'cause your momma and your siblings are okay with who we are, does not mean you have to go home. Not at all baby", he said as he kissed Joshua's face.

"You're right where you belong, baby. Right here in my arms", Tyler told him softly. Joshua sighed as he rested his head against Tyler's chest. "I love you so", he said softly. "Thank you baby", tyler replied. "I love you too."


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. It'd mean the world to me if you could let me know what you thought or if you could leave a vote. It just really helps me out so much.


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