"Then I went to Aunt Jenna's house and Judith and I looked at all her knives."
He raises an eyebrow in suspicion.
"Check this out..." I reach down and pull a smaller knife from my boot.

Negan immediately sits up.
"Woah, kid! What are you doing with that?"
"Well, I knew mom would know I took one so I put one in my belt earlier and she thought that was the one I took but that was just to distract her from this one." I smile proudly, twisting it back and forth in my hand, watching the light shine off of it.

Negan stares at me like I have ten heads.
"Y,you shouldn't have that. You could get hurt. It's not a toy Kara."
"Ugh! I know that! Why does everyone keep saying that to me? I know what I'm doing."
"Do you?"
I groan loudly. "Yes. I thought you'd be different. I thought you'd be excited."

I take a deep breath and try to control my frustration. "Sometimes, I feel like you're the only one here who listens to me... Look, I know my mom and dad listen too but I don't think they know that I'm able to do the stuff they can do too. I'm not a baby." I complain.

"And you thought that going out there with that knife would prove it to them?"
I shake my head. "Not to them, to me. How can I really know how strong I am if I'm only allowed be a shadow of my mom and dad?"
Negan shakes his head in bewilderment.
"You are an old soul stuck in that tiny body, you know that?"
I nod.

The kids at school don't get me either, even the teachers have a hard time keeping up with me.
Negan sits up and moves so he's kneeling in front of the bars of the cell. He motions me over and I copy him.
He takes my hand in his. His hand is warm and big but the skin is tough.
"I know how strong you are and deep down you do too. But going out there alone isn't how to prove it. I don't want you getting hurt, that's all."

"KARA!" I can hear people calling my name from outside and I jump in fright, my hand slipping from Negan's.
I grab my bow and arrow.
"I'm not going to get hurt." I promise him as I hurry to the door.
"And besides, I'm not going alone. Judith is coming too." I slam the door behind me quickly and I hear Negan yelling for me to come back but I need to get as far away from there as possible before someone sees me.

I run to the wall where Judith is waiting impatiently.
"What took you so long?" She snaps as she bends down and cups her hands together. I place my feet between them and she boosts me up onto the wall.
"Nothing. I just, uh, forgot something." I reach down to pull her up next to me.
"Was it me? I've been waiting here for ten minutes. You always disappear." She questions as we climb the wall together.

Judith is smart and she knows me inside out, maybe better than I know myself, that's why I always have to be careful of her. There's more of a chance of her finding out about Negan and I than my mom. Mom is dangerously smart too but she underestimates me sometimes which gives me an advantage.

"Okay, ready?" Judith gets distracted as we reach the top of the gate.
"Yup." I turn and zip open her bag, taking the small rope out of it.
We quickly tie it to the fence and Judith holds it in place as I twist around the opposite way, preparing to climb down.

"HEY, kid!" A voice calls and I freeze.
I look down to find Malia staring up at us. She laughs and claps her hands.
"Oh man, your parents are gonna kill you. Let me know when they find you cause I wanna be around to see what happens." She scoffs.
"Why don't you go back to Jays bed, Malia." Judith teases angrily.
Malias face falls.
"Yeah, we heard all about it. Apparently one of the teachers at school seen you sneaking out of his house." I remark.
Malia crosses her arms and exhales deeply.
"Hey K, do you know what a prostitute is?"
I shake my head.
"Me neither, but Mrs. Andrews said she looked like one when she scrambled out his window this morning."

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