"No, we going to the cafeteria together okay?"

"Yeah sure, okay." He turned back to his cold stone face as we walk to the cafeteria. My heart beats quicker every seconds we get closer. Why? Why am I that scared to enter the cafeteria? Why?!

We finally got to the double doors and Nathan pushes it open gesturing for me to get in first. I hesitate before making a move in and just like that, the place become pin drop silent, I quickly move to Nathan's back and hold his arm tight.

"Look who is back! The Rejected Ugly bitch. How is people in the Orphanage? Did they miss you?" I heard Chanel's voice at the back.

"Chanel if you don't shut the fuck up you might not see the next sun raise!" Nathan said with so much promise in his voice that made a gasp escape my mouth but not me being the only one surprised. Chanel quickly glares at me before facing her minions. I sigh in relief but still shocked at what Nathan said. I quickly drop my hands from his arm but he pulls me close to him again.

"Don't let a fuckin whore like her take over a strong women like you." He whispers in my ear as we make our way to the table. I just nodded.

He's right.

We got to the table and take our sit, mine being obviously next to Nathan's.

"Hey guys!"

"Hi Larry!" The twins say in unison with Lyra.

"Hey Queen!" I look at Jake confused I guess I'm not the only because Lyra is also. But the twins glared at him while Nathan narrowed his eyes at him with a ghost smile that only I noticed I guess. I just ignore them and zone out to what just happened.

I should really stand up for my self and show Chanel how strong i am that I'm still the same bitch she first met.


"Mmmh? yeah, what?" I asked not really knowing what they were talking about. Lyra stares at me dumbfounded. While I look at her with a questioning look. While the guys talk to each other.

"I said we are going to the mall later today."


"Because we need to spend time together like old times?"

"But Nathan-"

"He said his coming with us."

"How did you-"

"You weren't listening."

"His he coming with us alone?"

"Nope but with the guys. So we are all hanging out after school together."

"But-" I don't want to go!

"But what Larisa?"

"I have homework to do."

"We not going to stay there forever." I sigh and nodded.

"Okay. What time?"

"After school."


"Yes we are going after school."


We are all currently in the mall and we entered one and few minutes ago. We did lot of shopping and it was actually fun. It made me forget about all the problems I have in my life.

But we actually separated in two groups few minutes ago. And you all can guess who I'm with *sigh*. Lyra wanted to go with me but stubborn Nathan wanted to kill her with his cold stare.


"Now let's go have more fun but in two groups. How's that?" Jake asked.

"That's a great idea. I'm choosing to go with Larry." Lyra said turning to look at me. I smiled at her happy I am finally going to have my own space without Nathan always resting his hand on my me. I guess she noticed it.

"That's not gonna happen." I heard Nathan's deep voice making my smile run away from my lips.

"Why is that Mister 'I will kill you if you not scared of me'? Huh?" Lyra said trying the mimic Nathan's deep voice. My eyes widen with Jake and the twin. Nathan try to move to her but I quickly stop him with my hands on his wide chest before turning to face him.

"I'm sorry she's not feeling well. You know those time of the month? Yeah that's Lyra." I said chuckling nervously.

"What?!" Lyra yelled.

"Shut up! Nathan you know how the pain makes us girls feel especially frustrated."

"I don't care but next time she opens her big mouth like this again and you not around, I will make her pain much worse."

"Aaaah I'm scared. Whether you like it or not I'm going with my best friend." Lyra said with folded arms. What the hell is this girl trying to do?

Nathan keeps quiet and his cold stare turned to cold glare. Which almost made me pee on my pants. Lyra also got scared with shaking hands but she still opened her mouth.

"You can walk with your friends."

Nathan just keeps quiet but his cold glare turned to death glare making a shiver run through my spine. Lyra gasp and quickly turned around walking fast grabbing one of the twins hand with her.

"Blake, I guess  you going with me."

"I'm Blame."

"I don't care."

"Okay." Blame said while Lyra continue pulling his arm with her.

End of Flashback

I stop on my track making Nathan stop with me as he still kept a strong grip around me. I stare at her and Max. Without thinking I push Nathan away from me as i run to them. I smiled when I got closer.

"Mom!" She turned around with Max. I walk up to her with a huge smile on my face and arms wide open ready to hug her and completely forgot all she put me through. She quickly push Max to her back and held up her hands stopping me from moving any closer. Making my smile completely vanish.

"Who do you think you are and what are you trying to do?"






LOVE YOU ALL❤️💗💟💖💕😘💞👍

AWRY LOVE [1 & 2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin