CH - 18

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If you didn't noticed, I preferred writing in third person than first person but I'll still do it sometimes.

(Third person POV)

At the ballroom where the party was being held, all the guests arrived and were chattering away. Sirzechs talked to them and thanked them for coming.

Lucius was floating around the ceiling, not letting anyone see him. He then grinned darkly;

"Hehe~ I can't wait to embarrass the shit out of flaming chicken. I've never been so excited to be in a party"

Lucius scanned around the room, observing the devils until he spotted a familiar mop of dark hair.

"Wait a that Ophis? Shit, What the hell is she doing here? Nevermind, I need to strengthen my hiding spot."

Lucius knew that Ophis loves him, loves him too much that it's scaring him a bit. To be honest, he doesn't really mind yanderes. Actually, he thinks that they're....cute...hep hep hep, let me explain. Isn't it cute for a girl to be possessive over you?

But Ophis is different, she knew how to restrain his powers till they were equal in power and he couldn't hurt Ophis since she was there when he needed a friend.

Lucius didn't noticed that as he was floating earlier, Ophis already spotted him.

Smiling to herself; 'it's not the right time yet. But as long as I can see him, it's fine. I already got a lot of restraining devices ready for him~'

Lucius shivered;

'She's totally after me...but, what for? Sirzechs told me that I'm in deep shit, what's that supposed to mean?'

Poor Lucius didn't know about the dragon mating season. He slept when Ophis was a bit too young to have the urge to mate and so, after a century of his sleep, Ophis started her dragon mating season. She would either chain and lock her self up to avoid touching someone else other than Lucius or she would snuck inside Lucius' bedroom and fell asleep on top of him and would occasionally kiss him both light and deep kisses. Sometimes, Lucius would even unconsciously respond and hug her waist.

At the ballroom, Ophis erased her presence to avoid unwanted attention and slightly rubbed her thighs together. Unexpectedly, Lucius was a great kisser even when unconscious. Remembering the times they kissed, Ophis' knees lost a bit of strength and she has to lean to the wall for support.

Good thing for Lucius, she didn't went as far as making love with the unconscious him and only kissed him.

"I couldn't wait for the day to come, my dear husband~"

Ah- she already called Lucius her husband... ('・_・')

The engagement party was starting and the chattering of the devils slowly went to silence as the host introduced the 'couple'

"Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you, Miss Rias of the house of Gremory and Sir Riser of the house of Phenex!"

Rias and Riser came out holding hands, or just Riser gripping her hand, forcing her to hold hands with him.

Riser held the microphone and started his speech.

"Hello, dear guests, thank you all for coming in this wonderful event engaging me with my wonderful fiance. I hope to live a happy life with her and have children together then grow old with her within my arms. I hope you all have a great time, thank you."

The guests clapped as Riser circled his arm on Rias' hips, dangerously close to her butt.

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes, 'Where the hell is that boy?'

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