CH 14

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Yee yee bois, we have reached 1k votes. Thank you for all the votes, comments, and follows.

Remember to watch dank memes daily and peace out

Oh, and I'm 14, 15 in July

Edit: Aight I'm 16 now and still isn't done with this book-


(Third person's POV)

Finally, the day has come.

The Rating Games is about to start.

In a Coliseum in hell, a few devils can be seen running around, preparing everything necessary.

Inside that coliseum, a room was placed on the top, showing the perfect view of the battleground.

A tall and lean man can be seen inside that room, sitting on the biggest throne in the middle, observing.

A magic circle appeared and out came Grayfia.

"Sirzechs-sama, everything is ready, and Rias-sama and Phenex-sama's peerages are already here. May I let the audiences come?"

"Yes. Also, call the other Satans to come here now."

"Yes, Sirzechs-sama."


"Bucchou? You called for me?"

"Yes, come in, Issei"

Issei went inside the room. In the middle, there are two couches and a center table.

"Come here"

Issei walked to one of the couches, in front of Rias, who is sitting on the corner of it.

Rias patted the large space beside her;

"Lay down here"

Issei immediately did as told, he just couldn't miss the chance to stare up at Rias' big racks

Rias lifted his head and laid it on her lap before petting his hair.

"Take this as a reward for working hard, my cute little servant"

Issei blanked out...

'Cute little servant??'

Issei didn't think much of it and just stared up at her racks pervertedly, almost drooling.

Rias noticed his stared and thought about something before lightly blushing...

"...y-you can touch it"

Issei can already hear his consciousness and -ahem- Ddraig screaming in pure joy...

He raised his left hand and...


'Thank you, Issei, I promise to teach you everything I know'

'I-i-It's so soft!'

He soon raised his other hand groped her chest, unconsciously rough

Rias gripped his hair and moaned lightly with red cheeks, panting with half lidded eyes


Issei snapped out of his trance and blood immediately poured down his nose


The double doors slammed open and came rushing in the rest of orc


They abruptly stopped and stared at the image in front of them

Issei has blood streaming down his nose but still has a blessed look on his face and he's unconscious. Meanwhile Rias was hugging his head with a blushing face.

They can already guess what happened.

"Ara ara...Asia, can you check up on Issei? The Rating games can start in any time now, we don't want Issei to come with us unconscious."


[Time skip]

Orc sat in the couches and conversed with each other when a magic circle appeared and was soon engulfed in flames

Orc: 'Sigh...'

Riser and his peerage came out of the said circle, dramatically may I add.

"What do you want Riser?"

Rias scowled at his appearance, she would never, ever, dare marry this chicken willingly.

"Oh nothing, I just came here to remind you to get ready for our engagement party and of course, our grand wedding"

"Don't be so sure that you can win against us."

Issei, who was unconscious a moment ago, abruptly stood up and retorted.

Riser glanced at the rest of orc and laughed.

"Of course I'm sure I can win. Not only you're lesser than us, you're also weaker! How can I doubt myself?"

The old looking dude looked at Issei and mocked;

"You're such a weak devil, you think you can defeat me? Even if you owned a sacred gear, you're not enough to even land a scratch on me"


Issei was about to attack Riser when suddenly, Grayfia appeared in between them.

"Please calm down Issei-sama, and please don't cause such a scene anymore, Phenex-sama."

Issei scoffed and went back to sat down while Riser just smirked in 'victory'

"Now that it is settled, I have come here to get you both to the coliseum and prepare on your battle"

Grayfia created two big magic circle and went to one of them.

"Rias-sama please come to this teleportation circle while Phenex-sama and his peerage, please get on the other."

The maid left no arguments for them and they just obediently followed.

Soon, the previous big room which was filled with people a second ago was gone.

A shadowy figure leisurely floated down from the ceiling

"Well that's interesting...mhmm I could really depend on the devils to give me such an entertaining show~"

The figure chuckled and thought of something

"I should probably go there now too...I can't miss such a chance to scare those devils again"

The figure smirked darkly and left, leaving a sentence before he disappeared.

"But first, let me get my stash of taiyaki"


Yep, another cliffhanger~

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