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(I'm still gonna accept questions btw)

Q.1: What made you start writing?/ What made you want to write this book?

Honestly, it was just caused by my showers thoughts, washing-the-dishes thoughts and some 'what if's. But it's also because I just want to share my imagination/ideas

Q.2: Where did you get your inspiration for your book and characters?

I've red a lot of dxd fanfics and decided to make my own cuz I never really saw something like this so I thought; "what if before the devils, there were these demons which are far stronger that them but got almost eliminated by a virus that only kills demons, so before they get completely annihilated, they experimented on the demons to try if they will survive. But before that, there's this kid that got abused and bullied by his fellow demons, killed them, and ended up becoming their king or better, God! Yeah, demon god! But he went to rest for a few centuries so he didn't knew about the virus- blah blah blah... That sounds cool..." And for the characters, AKA Lucius Vanth Aurelius, the wallpaper is actually dark link, a creepypasta, since I thought he would really fit my character.

Q.3: In what country do you live?

Don't hunt me down ok?

Wow....assuming much?

So I live in the...

Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭

Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭

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Q.4: How hard is it writing a book to you?

I just have fun, it's not easy but it's not hard either so a 50/50. Tips? hmm... Just let your imagination run wild but limit it and write it in the right time/moment or else you'll lose ideas. Having a plot can also help organize things (though it can be easily destroyed) Don't think about it to much, just let the ideas to flow as you write. Think of 'what if's. Or just read books, you may get inspiration there or may think of other situations as you read. You may also put in some of your experiences in real life and make your character experience it, so basically, think as if you're your OC, write what your thoughts on that moment, what does it feel? It can help expressing more emotions. Just be yourself and trust your -maybe weird- imagination, you don't have to copy another author, just write the way you want. And don't take constructive criticism to heart although it can be harsh, use it to improve yourself, your book, and your writing skills.

Q.5: Are you sure you're not a weeb?

Well...when I was 7 I wanted to be a neko -ahem-

Q.6: What's your name?

Imma just put muh first name...


Yup. That's my first name.

Q.7: If Lux was a girl, would he either try to become a boy, suicide, have fun trolling everybody, or turn back into a boy cause he doesn't care?

Troll everybody, especially Azazel, then...


Then turn back to a boy.

Q.8: What kind of people do you find annoying?

I'm generally an introvert who tries to ignore everyone (and failing miserably) and quite the open minded person cause maybe they had reasons to act that way. But the most annoying kinds of people I met so far are; Those who disrespects the actually nice teachers, those who just wouldn't shut their mouth for once, those who would pick up a dead bug, mostly spiders, and practically shoves it to my face to scare me. That's about it...

Not so fun fact: I have arachnophobia and am scared of bugs.

Q.9: What are your favorite things to write?

Fanfics, system transmigration, Reincarnation, those are the main three cause thats what I usually read.


And that's all! If you have anymore questions, I'll answer ALL of it

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