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(No one's POV)

Lucius appeared in a dark corner of the meeting room and saw the Satan's shaking in fear making him grin. Then he saw the book that Sirzechs was reading, that made Lucius curious

'They made a book about me huh...hmm I wonder what they put there about me...'

He just stared at them then they stopped shaking as they, including Lucius, sensed the elders and the peerage kings. The said devils come in and Sirzechs hid the book and welcomed them.

1 hour ago.

Rias and her peerage soon arrived at a gigantic room for every peerage and waited to be told to come in the meeting room. She saw Riser Phenex coming his way to her and she started to panic 'please no, I don't want to deal with him right now' Rias thought, her wish came true as all peerage kings was sent to the meeting room, fortunately, she got a sit next to Sona Sitri and away from Riser.

Present time

Soon they sat down on their seats and start discussing their problems. At some point, they all started (talk) fighting 'Time to make my entrance' Lucius thought.

(Lucius' POV)

As much as I want to laugh at their stupid fight about solutions and their ranking, I can't or I'll be seen, don't want to ruin the surprise right?.

I turned into a black and silver mist and floated behind Sirzechs unnoticed. After a few minutes of floating behind him, I finally got everyone's attention except the four Satan's.

I slowly turned into my physical form starting from bottom.

Once I reformed, I kept my eyes closed but I can still feel the elders started to shake in fright while the peerage kings just stared at me curiously, wait...what is that smell....?

It's so foul...

Though, I can feel the other elders (ladies) stared at me with both lust and fear which is making me very very uncomfortable...

Then one of the elders, I somehow remember his voice, Zeoticus is it?. He spoke up

"L-Lord Au-Aure-Aurelius!!" He said as I just still kept my eyes closed but damn boi that stuttering though.

As soon as he said my name, The four Maous' tensed up and shivered "W-what are you s-saying!? You dare say his n-name here!" Sirzechs said with anger not even giving a shit about how he disrespected his father, though you can clearly see the shocked look in his eyes...

(No one's POV)

The peerage kings was shockes at how the 'most powerful' devil stuttered at a simple name.

'Just who is that guy....'

Meanwhile Riser: 'you dare take all the attention from me!'

Said devil stood up, getting everyones attention "who is he anyway!?" Flaming chicken asked rudely while pointing at the silver haired male

"its rude to point at someone, you know?"

Once his eyes fully opened, the peerage kings and flaming chicken gasped while the elders started to shake violently as the frightening black and red eyes scanned them. And of course you cant forget about the 4 'great' maous, they're currently frozen in their seats if you're curious to know

"You see...I'm bored so why not check out the devils?" The demon god said while grinning mischievously "By the way...who made that book about me?" He asked as he levitate the book toward him and stared at the four leaders who turned even more paler when they heard the most terrifying person ever asked them

T-T-That w-would be m-me" Ajuka stuttered not daring to turn around or else he won't be getting sleep tonight

"Hmm is that so?, well then good luck, cause if I see anything wrong here....." He trailed off

He glanced at Ajuka who's now shaking

"Go on continue your meeting as I read this"

Lucius laid on thin air and float around as he reads the book


Lucius finished the book quickly and closed it, unfortunately, it has nothing wrong about the said male. The male floated down and planted his foot on the ground

"You're lucky you have everything right, Ajuka"

Ajuka sighed in relief

"Now tell me...."  Lucius demanded as the four Satan's tensed once again "where can I find the peerages."

Lucius could've used his powers to find out where they are but that's not fun you know~

"And why would you like to see them?" Rias glared at him while he just stared at her blankly.

"So I guess that the younger devils doesn't know anything about me huh?"



"Tell me where the peerages are"

Poor Sirzechs almost fainted as the silver haired male whispered to him,

"dear friend, do you want the devil race extinct? you don't want that now do you?"

"t-they're in t-the b-big dome to the left of this b-building"

"Good, well I'm leaving now..Ta-ta~"

Lux then teleported to the said dome, making almost everyone inside the meeting room sighed in relief, happy that they can still live to see tomorrow.

"Who is he.....?"

The 4 leaders looked at each other and nodded with a serious look. They dismissed the shaking elders and along with an elder who practically.....

Peed his pants...

Yes, you read that right


As the elders left, the 4 satans started telling them about Lucius Vanth Aurelius.

"His name is Lucius Vanth Aurelius, the most powerful being that has lived, one that can destroy us all within moment..."

Let's just say that in the end, some of them almost fainted, their eyes almost bulged out of the sockets from widening them too much, Rias froze in shock and fear while Flaming Chicken became a skinned wet Chicken that nobody wants...

(Rm: wetting chicken sounds weird so I changed it)

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