Soulless Pt. 7

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Jisoo's POV

"Bitch, I'll kill you." The wendigo snarled at me from being pinned to the firm wall of a building in this alley way, a silver stake piercing her shoulder.

"If I don't kill you first." I retorted as I pulled out another stake from my coat, a wooden one this time—it hurts more than silver. She growled like an animal and tried to reach out to me with her sharp nails, flashing her canines my way in attempt to scare me. But she's the one that needs to be scared, I'm well-trained and merciless.

"I'll rip you to pieces!" She screamed in frustration and pain. "I'll kill you and your family. I'll wipe out your entire fucking clan of nimrod parasites!"

"I'm sure you will." I chuckled in amusement with her empty threats. She'd be dead in matter of minutes and no one's gonna know she had left this earth, there's no use trying to argue and waste words.

I closed the gap between us and twisted the stake buried on her shoulders, causing her to grunt and cry out in immense pain. It must be excruciatingly unbearable, I can only imagine. If they find it amusing to feed on people, I find it entertaining tearing their demonic bodies to pieces. I positioned myself to gather the strength I needed enough to pierce her heart when my phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket, making me grunt in frustration.

I'm fucking close to killing this bitch. Who the fuck decided to interrupt my fun? I've been waiting to do this for a long time. This monster of a woman is hard to track and even harder to catch, I won't get another shot than this. This is the closest I'll ever be to incinerating this demon.

"What?" I hissed on the phone before it even reached my ears, not bothering to glance on the caller ID.

"Jisoo." She greeted, full of enthusiasm on the other side. I sighed and brought a hand to pinch the bridge of my nose. It's my sister.

"I'm in the middle of something, Lisa." I stated, glancing at the wendigo looking pale than a paper as it hung on the wall.

"Oh.." She mumbled when she realized what I meant. "That something.."

"Yes, that something. What do you need?"

"It can wait." She chuckled.

"Lisa, who's that?" My hearing senses pumped up as I heard another voice from the other line. She sounded familiar.

"It's my sister Jisoo. The one I want you to meet." She answered the girl. I smirked to myself, oh now I know what's happening. "Okay, I'll see you later."

"What's her name?" I asked after I heard them bid goodbyes, they must be separating at the moment. Lisa snickered and mumbled to herself, something she usually does when she's shy and embarrassed.

"Chaeyoung." She replied as I felt my blood ran cold. Fuck, this can't be happening. "She's uhm.. special. She's very nice, kind, sweet and pretty and I really really like her, so please be nice to her?"

I smirked and moved a little further away from the now unconscious wendigo hanging immobile with her head down. The puzzles are finally coming together and I'm starting to see the bigger picture. This is a lot more serious than I thought and Lisa seemed to be oblivious about the fact that she's standing in the middle of the battlefield, unarmed and fooled. She's asking too much from me, she's gonna get hurt.

"I'll try, Lisa." I forced a reply. "I'm actually close, a couple of cities away. I'll swing by your place tonight."

"Yes! Okay." She squealed and I heard her throwing things around. She's probably cleaning for the first time of the month since I'm coming over.

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