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A/N: Found my old notebook. I wrote this when I was twelve or thirteen and I was dumb back then lmfao pls don't hate me


My name is Lisa Manoban and I'm dying.

I have only a matter of months left to correct all the wrongs that I've done, take back all the promises I'd given because at this rate, I can't keep them anymore, say goodbye to everyone I'll be leaving if there's even people who still cares, and spread all the love I've buried deep in my heart for a long time.

The reason isn't because I was born with some untreatable diseases. I'm not cursed either. This disease developed through repeated bad habits and abuse. Everything that I had terribly done with my body and soul has led me to this-this very moment that I knew for the first time, I'm going straight to hell.

I walked through the hospital lobby, thoughtless like a ghost floating around with no particular purpose and direction.

I suspected I'll eventually come to this but never have I imagined it would be this early. Alcohol, drugs, sex, name it. I'm only twenty-two and I've already done everything there is. I did everything in my power to destroy every part of me.

"Hey, get off the road!" I shrieked at the sudden sound of a horn. I hadn't realized I'm in the middle of the road if it wasn't for the car's continuous honking. I looked at him dead straight in the eyes and went on my merry way to end my life.

I'm fucking dying. It might as well be now. I should just get this over with, and like all typical movie dramas, I went for the bridge. I was just standing there, on the wet pavement, my hand clutching the railings until I realized that I knew perfectly well how to swim (I have been drowning all my life metaphorically speaking), but seriously it's one of the perks of being sporty. And even if I somehow manage to let myself die, floating in the Pacific Ocean somewhere, my dead body will be found and imagining it all bloated and mangled is a no-go.

I laughed in misery. I can't even kill myself properly. But then I remembered something back in Summer 2016, I almost died of alcohol and drug poisoning. That's it!

That's it.

Before the sun set, I had already gathered every drug there is; coke, ecs and all others I'm too far gone to be concerned about. I went for the biggest and most popular bar in the city, the Club 666. Ironic, right? I really am going straight to hell.

So I partied with all the time and energy I had left in me. I partied so damn hard I felt my body shake in exhaustion, in matter of minutes I couldn't remember who and where I was, let alone the very fact that I was dying. The last time I can recall was me, stumbling into the bathroom. The wrong bathroom but I couldn't care less. Black dots started dancing in my vision. My breathing was heavy and dragged and right then and there, I knew it was time to go.

I woke up with a massive headache, not that it surprised me. The very fact that I did wake up freaks me out more than ever. I should've been dead, that's the thing I wanted last night.

I looked around, scanning the four walls. I wasn't in a hospital bed, that I'm sure, so clearly this isn't some health care shit. This room is a complete stranger. I don't remember how I got here. I got up and stretched my sore muscles, looking around for the second time made me realize how everything in here is worth a lot, and I mean it as a girl with a shit load of money. Filthy rich-that's the word. Whoever owned this place is filthy, disgustingly rich.

Don't fucking tell me I went home with some old man?! The instant I get out of here, I am buying myself a damn Lamborghini and I'm ramming that shit straight through some hard concrete or off a cliff.

I was about to look for my clothes when I realized I still had them on, which means nothing unwanted happened. My pussy hasn't suffered some awful shit that would leave me traumatize for the rest of my remaining pathetic life and leave me to wish that I had just died quickly.

I jumped out of bed and walked through the hallway and straight down the stairs. How I know where to turn and go, I have no bloody idea. It's like I've been here before but my mind couldn't remember and my muscles do. This is so fucking strange.

"Oh, dear!" Someone greeted when I found myself wandering inside the dining room.

"Come, come! You must be hungry. Eat up." She ushered, smiling. She's gorgeous, like awfully drop-dead gorgeous. I've never seen a face so angelic and innocent yet strangely creepy at the same time. Her beauty is ethereal.

I sat up and stared at the table with my mouth hanging open. It was full of food with all kinds.

"Who are you?" I asked, swallowing my last bite and gulping down some water.

"Funny how they all say that first. We have so much to talk about." She looked at me again, that bright smile never leaving her face. It was suspicious. I raised my brow, hinting her to begin talking.

"Before anything else.." Her smile grew wider as she reached out a hand for me to shake. "My name is Chaeyoung."

I gulped, feeling the tension, danger and fear creeping in on me.

"So?" I retorted flatly, staring at her with a neutral look. She chuckled and dropped her hands off the table.

"This might sound vague and probably going to be a mind-boggling, huge atomic bomb anyone will ever drop on you but.." She paused dramatically, hesitant for a second before tugging another creepy smile. "You're now my daughter, my sister, my companion, my slave-whatever I want you to be."

I blinked and gazed at her, unmoving before finally bursting into fits of laughter. "Okay, lady. What drugs are you taking? That shit hits hard I can tell. You need to give me your supplier's contact."

"I don't do drugs. We don't have that here." She answered sternly, clearly not a fan of sarcasm.

"Listen, miss. I don't know where you're going from here and I don't give a shit, but you better stop with the nonsense and silly charade you're trying to get me into because I'm not buying it. Thank you for the food." I said as I stood up and was about to make my way out when she spoke once more.

"I won't walk away if I were you." She muttered suggestively. "A piece of advice, don't go out of that door. You wouldn't like what you'll see, not until you're ready at least."

"What the fuck are you talking about? What do you want with me?" I snapped. She chuckled, amused.

"I'll be direct and succinct with you, Lisa." She began, her face serious when she mumbled my name that I hadn't even told her about before saying the very thing that almost made me believe her.

"You died last night." She said then she glanced around and her gaze stopped on the pitch black window. "And this is She'ol."

My eyes faltered as I looked back at her with a horrid expression covering my face.

"Do you read bibles, Lisa?" She asked softly as I gulped. She rose from her seat and slowly made her way to me, her fingers running over the delicate cloth covering the table as if she's taunting me, trying to scare me off even more than I already am. "Lake of fire, tartarus, gehenna, naraka, jahannam, annwf-"

"Please, stop." I whimpered, terrified. I heard her snort in amusement before she leaned in closer to my ear so she could whisper.

"I take it you know what they all mean." She says, her cold hands smoothly running over my shoulders. "Go on, say it."

"Say it, Lisa." She whispers again, her lips brushing against the back of my ear.

"Say it." Her voice changed into someone else's, much fuller, huskier and full of chills.. almost demonic. My lips quivered as I tried to force the word out of my mouth.


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