"I understand. I understand if you want to st-"

"No. Shut up. No."

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise at Hani's harsh response. Her heard turned rapidly to face him, her eyes filled with determination and a new found braveness. Her petite hands were applying pressure on his thighs, forcing the Alpha to sit down and listen to what she had to say.

"You are not a monster, Jungkook" Those were the first words that left her mouth. Jungkook's heart stopped in his chest, his eyes dived deep into hers, a small spark of hope lighting up his. "You were young and scared and hurt... Why do you let people tell such a twisted version of what happened? Why do you let people paint you like this when you know it is not true? They would understand if they knew what really happened, Jungkook. They'd feel your pain too, like I am feeling right now. And they'd get to look in your eyes and see how you are far from what they have made you to be. They wouldn't fear you or despise you. They would admire you, Jungkook. Admire you for being so brave at such a young age, for being so strong and fearless. For being able to stand against everyone that was against you and just fight and protect those you love. To be able to fight for others when you can't even fight for yourself... Jungkook do you know how incredibly brave that is? This power wasn't given to you because you were scared. It was given to you because you are worthy of something bigger. Because you carry the bravery, the determination, the resilience of someone strong. The moon goddess gave you this power so that you'll never be hurt again. The goddess gave you this, because she knows you will use it to always protect those you care for. She knows that you will always fight, persist and do what's right for the people you care for, no matter how tall the mountain, how complicated the obstacle might be." Hani's hands shyly grabbed his. The Alpha's eyes were focused on their joined hands, on how gentle her fingertips touched his skin. "It is not strength that makes an Alpha... it's their will to protect others. Its bravery, determination, persistence, will and love. An Alpha's strength relies in the way they look after their pack, the people they care for. An Alpha is someone that fights for his pack before fighting for himself. That's why you were picked Jungkook. You were picked because you find strength in protecting those you love"

Tears were streaming down Hani's cheeks rapidly and without any warning, painting her grey sweatshirt of a darker color. The girl hadn't noticed them. Hani was too focused on him, on letting him know, exactly, what she felt and what she thought. All that she wanted was to reassure him, soften and melt a bit of the pain he still carried. Hani's eyes were locked on his, the tears that they carried glimmering under the light of the moon. Jungkook was perplexed at her, at her tears and at the sincerity and worry that coated her mouth as she spoke. The words of reassurance had come out of her before she could even process them or think them through. Hani just felt, deep in her heart, that she needed to comfort him, to tell him he was not the "monster", the "vile creature" they wanted him to be.

Hani's heart jumped in her chest with excitement as she felt her body gently being pulled towards him. The tears had abruptly stopped, instead, her skin tingled with adrenaline. He had tenderly lifted her up, placed her on his lap. Jungkook had his arms wrapped around her; Hani's nose was against the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent that became more and more addicting to her. His hand was brushing her hair gently, tenderly. Jungkook was comforting her, trying to suppress the tears that fell from her eyes.

"Don't cry, baby" He cooed softly, his lips brushing against her hear in the most careful of ways. The little sweet nickname had her heart experiencing all sorts of things. It glowed and vibrated in her chest, her cheeks became bright red, her eyes widened with an overwhelming excitement and love she didn't know that they could carry. "It's fine. Things happen."

"I know..." Hani replied, her lips brushing against his skin. The Alpha's body was electrified, playful goosebumps decorated his exposed neck, a shy blush covered his ears. "I'm just worried... I guess"

The True Alpha // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now