Chapter 21

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My mind registers the sound of the buzzer as it explodes the silence. My body flies off the platform and I girl myself towards the pack of knives. A scream startles me as I grab the pack. I can feel my blood pulsating through my veins as I stop to watch the Cornucopia.

Some of the Tributes have already reached the entrance are are targeting their smaller, weaker enemies. Bodies lie on the ground, lifeless. Sounds of exertion mix with screams, cries and the sounds of weapon on weapon. A hand grips my forearm and I'm forcefully tugged out of my trance.
"We need to leave," Jasper yells. We start running, our deleting stirring up a cloud of grey, chalky dust as they pound the earth.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see glimmers of metal on metal and hear a faint whistle. The shiny tip of a spear rushes towards us, the brute from eleven hot on its tail. I swerve to one side, pushing Jasper into one of the crumbling skyscrapers. The blade skims my arm, barely drawing blood. I quickly wipe it off as we continue to run. Fearing that I'll loose them in our hurry, I grip tighter onto my pack of knives.

We continue to run and I see a streak of blonde running towards us. I hear no sounds of anyone following us as we sprint down an alleyway. The buildings bend in on each other to form a nearly lightless tunnel that stretches on and on and on. Lyn has caught up with us as we slow to a steady jog. My side throbs with pain and I draw steady breaths through my dry mouth. Smaller side streets begin to appear but we continue to stumble and jump over the concrete bricks and lead pipes of the larger alley.

The sun is high in the sky by the time we finally find the end and stop to catch our breath. A chill breeze flutters through the air, carrying with it the sweet scent of pine needles and sap. The breeze enters my clothes and turns my sweat to ice as I shiver. My fingers trace the graze on my left arm and I see that Lyam is doing the same. Blood has soaked through his top.
"We need to find supplies," I declare.
"Agreed," Jasper responds.
"I looked at the Cornucopia but I only saw weapons," Lyam adds. "We need to at least get bandages. Maybe we'll receive a parachute."

Our pace slows to a walk as a blanket of snow muffles our steps. Layers of snowflakes fall around us, dissipating our fears of being tracked. The blasts of the cannons boom as they erupt, signalling the end of the Bloodbath.
"Eleven," Jasper says. I nod in agreement. The Games will go quickly with so few players left. The voice of Claudius Templesmith crackles in the still air.
"Hello Tributes!" He calls jovially. "The Bloodbath is over and there are thirteen of you left. As promised, there will be some new additions to this year's Game. And the first one is that there is not just one Cornucopia... There are five! Enjoy finding them and good luck!"

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