Chapter 20

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I'm instantly blinded by the sun that is hammering down on me. As my eyes adjust, I inhale the strong smell of wet dirt, rust and an acrid smog that clogs my throat.
"Ladies and gentlemen," booms the voice of Claudius Templesmith as I continue to get my bearings. "Let The Games to End all Games commence."
The Cornucopia lies in front of us, a giant skeletal hunk of black. Inside it's gaping mouth lies piles of supplies. My eyes scan for a rucksack but keep finding the glistening sheen of metal. The more I look, the more weapons I find. Even outside the Cornucopia, I can only see weapons. To my right, half way between me and the last Tribute - a strong looking girl with wispy, mousy hair - is a small pack of knives. The timer above the entrance ticks down. 27... 26... 25... The Tribute to my left coughs loudly and I realise that it is Lyam. I look past him and see Jasper five or so people to Lyam's left. For the first time I truly take in the Arena.

We're in a clearing like none that I've ever seen before. The giant hollows of concrete trees tower around us, wrought iron branches squeezing the sky, as concrete leaves scatter the uneven ground. We are totally surrounded. Small paths and roads snake their way away from the Cornucopia. I stare at on just behind Jasper, maybe one hundred metres away and he follows my gaze and nods. Lyam has positioned himself to run, just as the counter hits 3... 2... 1...

The Game to End all Games [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now