Prologue 2: The meeting

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6 months later; before the Victory Tour:


The cold nips at the tips of my ears as I make my way up the steps to my front door. Mother opens it with a strained smile that sets my nerves on edge. I peer past her and into the hallway where the door to the study is shut.
"Come in, dear. It's cold out there. Give me your coat," my mother fusses around me, but I can tell that something is up. "You have visitors," she whispers, reading my mind. She nods towards the study and I walk over. I knock on the door before entering which is stupid really considering it is my house. There is no noise from inside so I push the door open and am shocked at the people sitting behind my desk.

Snow sits behind it casually, his elbows resting slightly at an angle. He hasn't seen me come in and is deep in conversation with a woman sat on his right. She is frail looking with a silver curtain of hair that hides her face from me. She turns her head and notices me standing in the doorway.

"Miss Everdeen. What an honour it is to finally meet you," she greets. Her hair makes her look older than she is because she has no wrinkles around her eyes and unlike my mother she does not have the look of being tired of life.
"Please sit down. We have a lot to discuss," Snow invites and I take the seat opposite him. My mother comes in a few moments later with a tray laden with tea and biscuits. I take one of the biscuits and notice that they must have been done by Peeta because the flowers are too delicate and perfect. I don't say a word but look from Snow to the woman. Snow finally catches on because he stops dunking one of the biscuits in his tea and nods towards the woman.
"I'm sorry," he slurs, "you haven't met President Coin, have you?" I shake my head and he continues. "She's the head of District 13, however we prefer for that to be on a need to know basis," He looks at me hard with his snake like eyes and I nod my head. He smiles and I turn my eyes to the woman.
"Am I missing something?" I ask, at a loss as to why they are both here. "Why are you both in my house?" The idea strikes me as ridiculous.
"President Coin and I both have the same aim: to keep the Districts safe however that is at risk because of your performance," he glares at me and I remind myself to breathe. "I need to know that I have you on my side, Katniss. Because who knows what could happen if there was to be a rebellion. Your friends, your family, those you love," he stresses the word unnecessarily and I remember Prim's first Reaping, "could all get hurt. Or worse." he says it matter-of-factly and I realise that I have to help him. "However, Coin believes that you could become the face of the Rebellion." he sneers, "It's completely up to you but if you want to keep dear, sweet little Prim safe, I would watch your actions." he stands up to leave and I hear the click of the door as he closes it behind him. President Coin looks at me before following him out. I stare at my hands for a long time before ripping at the nails with my teeth. I stay in my seat for a long time, even after my mother has come and gone with the remains of the tea. She doesn't ask how it went and I'm glad she doesn't. Her life is now firmly back in my hands. And it's my decision and mine alone to bear.

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