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- A year later - 

"Are you ready, baby?" Katsuki looked into his loved ones eyes, Izuku. Izuku happily nodded as they stood in the orphanage, as him and Katsuki filled out papers to adopt a 4 year old girl.

Her name was Ahmya. 

"You would like to adopt, Ahmya was it?" The elderly woman looked at Izuku. Katsuki nodded for him. The lady took out her papers, and handed them to the young couple. 

"Ahmya is from a very sad backstory. Her mother- well- abused her. And as for the father, he was a rapist. Poor little Ahmya has extremely bad PSTD, and it's very hard for her to talk. She opens up slowly, and she doesn't like to be yelled at. When she's yelled at, it brings back memories from when she told her mother about her dad touching her, thats when her mother began abusing her. Ahmya is a good child for you two." The old woman explained this to Izuku and Katsuki, as small tears came from her eyes time to time. 

"Thank you so so much. I am sure we will be able to make Ahmya's life a lot better, we would love to have her under our roof and in our arms." Izuku smiled ridiculously, loving the idea of having a daughter with Katsuki. 

"Please be here tomorrow at 3:00PM to pick Ahmya up, we will have her bags ready." The woman stood slowly, and opened the door for the couple to leave.

- Time skip oops - 

Ahmya stood behind the old woman from yesterday, with fear in her eyes. "Grammy i don't want to go.." She whispered gently to her former caretaker. The old woman bent down to the little girl, "Oh my sweetie, these are good men, they will love you like nobody else, and they will never let any harm come to you, all your dreams will come true when with them, they will love you more than i ever could." A tear fell from the old woman's face as she kissed the small child's forehead.

"Goodbye grammy, i won't forget you." The little girl hugged her harshly but lovingly, and soon let go. The little girl walked up to Izuku and Katsuki with fear in her eyes and pain in her heart. Izuku bent down, "Hi there!" He smiled warmly at her.

Her eyes filled with tears. "Oh my love, don't shed a tear, you will be happy from now on, and nobody will hurt you." He put a hand on her cheek and wiped the tear that fell from her eye. 

Katsuki bent down to her as well, "Don't think this is a goodbye for her and you, because whenever you want to visit, we will bring you my darling." He sent a warm smile to her.

She stopped crying.

"What is this feeling?" She asked.

"This is love, my darling."

THE END!!!! 

tysm for reading my book, sorry for the terrible updates, but i hope you enjoyed this ending. 

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