Story thirty three: Petty Feelings of the Past (2019)

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"Could I get you some lunch?"

Ugh. That voice. How he loathed it.

Kain's eyes flicked away from his magazine only to see . . . him out in the distance. What did he call him again? Oh, yes. Warrior—*the stain on the wall: A permanent mark on his life that sickens him every time he sees it.

Kain wasn't sure why he bothered to look up at the chime of Warrior's voice. Perhaps for a split second he thought the question was directed toward him, but he couldn't have been more wrong. The question was for Lightning, he took note of, as he watched his wife get led by the hand and supposedly into the kitchen.

Typical, Kain strained the thought. We haven't been in this castle for an entire hour and he already can't keep his mitts off her.

He sharply inhaled, only just now realizing the dark thoughts he allowed to ooze in so soon into the visit. And because of what? That simple interaction between the two?

Is that really all it takes to throw me off the edge again? Back into that state of miserable anger and distrust?

The realization made Kain uncontrollably shudder.

He was stronger than this. He knew he was. He had to be.

A familiar tune of laughter sliced through the hallway walls and Kain's lips parted slightly. That was Lightning's laugh. Before he could stop himself, he set his magazine down and rose from the jewel incrusted armchair. He shouldn't. He knew he shouldn't. But somehow he forced his weary heart to cope, and walked down the hall just enough to peek at the wide open doorway to the palace kitchen.

From there, he could see them—Lightning and Warrior—as they stood at the long counter with butter knives in hand. They were making sandwiches, Kain assumed. But his attention quickly went from the food to the way Warrior was gazing at Lightning as he absently smoothed his knife over his bread. Even from the distance Kain stood, he swore he could see Warrior's eyes glittering in utter astonishment at the woman beside him. Then Warrior's lips moved to speak, and Kain had never wished for the skill of reading lips so badly than this very moment. His focus shifted to Lightning next, who offered the most stunning, bright, toothy smile in return.

Glass shattered inside of Kain.

God damn—he mentally cursed, teeth gritted, body stiff.

He'd seen Lightning smile at Warrior like that before, but that didn't make this time any less painful. No, each time it only felt worse. Like his gut was taken and rang completely dry.

Had Lightning . . . ever smiled at Kain like that? He almost couldn't quite recall. Wait. Yes—there were those couple times . . . and at their wedding for sure. But there was something about the smiles she gave Warrior that made them seem so . . . exclusive.

And he hated how much he let himself read into that.

"You're not gonna get any lunch by just standing there, y'know."

Kain whipped his head around so fast his long hair nearly wrapped around his neck. But then he quickly relaxed upon seeing Tifa walk up behind him with an amused smile.

"Ah, sorry," she smoothed back her brown bangs, "didn't mean to scare you."

"No, I just . . . didn't hear you coming." Kain's voice faded from slightly jumpy into a low mumble. He absently looked back towards the kitchen to see Lightning blinking at him from afar, her face hinting concern. Warrior avoided eye contact by moving to put away the condiments.

"Come on." Tifa gestured to the kitchen with a glance of her browns. "Don't be shy! Cornelia's food is your food, too." She went ahead of Kain with a bounce in her step.

There was something about Tifa walking by that strummed Kain's heartstrings just the right way. For one, it was a more than pleasant distraction from his mind. But even more so, it really brought him back to the reason he was here. And that wasn't to wallow in the things that made him hurt.

Suck it up, Highwind. You've made it this far.

With a deep breath and equally deep stare at his love, Kain's feet finally left the hall and stepped onto the kitchen tile.

I refuse to let petty feelings of the past ruin my today.

End of story thirty three

*credit to @Ciara-is-here for Kain's line here: "the stain on the wall: A permanent mark on his life that sickens him every time he sees it." ^-^

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