Story twelve: T.V Explosion ○.○ -!

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Loz: *flops onto couch* "Ahhh... Time to relax and watch some television, right Yazoo?" ^~^

Yazoo: "Um, careful. Brother Kadaj said that this T.V isn't working properly..." :/

Loz: "I'm sure it'll be fine." ^_^ *turns on T.V*

KA-BOOM!!! *T.V explodes* (( just imagine that scene in your mind XD ))

Loz: *blinks* o_o'

Yazoo: *coughs* "Who's still alive?" -.-

*everyone in the whole university glares at Loz* >8(

Yazoo: "Apparently everyone, huh?" :|

Loz: "I'm sorry! I just wanted to watch some T.V!" >o<

*everybody beats up Loz* >:O "OUR T.V IS DESTROYED!!!"

End of story twelve

A/N: Sorry, that was super short >_< But a conversation with a friend gave me this idea and I thought it was pretty funny at the time '^_^ Thanks for reading!

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