Story nineteen: Noctis in... "101 ways to beat stress!" part one!

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A/N: Happy birthday to Noctis Lucis Caelum! Today is August 30th, and I decided to write a story all about Noctis for the occasion!! :D The only reason this is called "part one", is because listing all 101 ways to beat stress would be wayy to long -.- I might possibly write more parts that will linger around in this work in between other stories, so stay tuned ;)


Narrator: "Why hello, Wattpad readers. Today, we will list 7 of the 101 ways to beat stress. Starring, our birthday boy, Noctis Lucis Caelum. Let's begin, shall we?" ._.

Noctis: "Let's do it." ;)

Cameraman: "Action!!" >:o


Narrator: "Number one; Hang a 'do not disturb' sign on your door."

Noctis: *hangs the sign on his room door knob* "Mm-hm!" ^_^ *walks inside room and slams the door shut* "Ouch..." >.<

Cameraman: "Hold on, cut!! Are you okay? What happened?" o.o

Noctis: "I hit my head on the door when I closed it..." >_<

Narrator: "How is that even possible? Okay, moving along..." >.>


Narrator: "Number two; read a book you've been thinking about."

Noctis: "YAAAAY! Time to read this book I've been thinking about for a YEAR now!" :D *sits down and opens book* "Okay I'm bored." -_-


Narrator: "Number three; exercise more often."

Noctis: *jogging on a treadmill* "Whoo! I'm kicking it!" >:D

Cameraman: "Aw, come on. Speed it up a little bit!" :O

Noctis: *sigh* "Fine. But Kadaj said that this particular treadmill doesn't work all that great." -.- *pushes a button on treadmill, causing it to go super fast* "Whoa! Whhhhhoooooaaaaa!" °○° *flies off the treadmill and crashes into a glass elephant collection* (CRASH)

Cameraman: "Oops. My bad." o_o'


Narrator: "Number four; take a daily nap."

Noctis: "Ah, YES! This is so ME!" ^o^ *flops down on couch and instantly falls asleep* "Snore...snort..." u_u

Cameraman: "Hey, hey. We're only supposed to give a demonstration--not turn into Sleeping Beauty." O_o


Narrator: "Number five; visit an art museum."

Noctis: "My, my! Just look at all this exquisite art!! It's just the beans on my buttered toast!" \(^o^)/ *knocks over a painting, causing a chain reaction of all the paintings falling off the wall* "Um... whoops." \(o_o)/

Cameraman: "Nobody told you to prance around and talk like some weirdo from the nineteenth century." -_-


Narrator: "Number six; make love."

Lightning: *opens door to Noctis's room* O_O -!

Noctis: *laying on bed, shirtless* "Hey baby. Wanna go steady tonight?" ;3 ~♥

Lightning: *trembles and leaves, slamming the door shut* .>_<.

Noctis: "Well that's not fair. What about the demonstration?" -.-

Cameraman: "At least Lightning knows how to shut a door without hitting her head on it." -_-

Noctis: "SHUT UP!" >:O


Narrator: "And number seven; browse a book store."

Noctis: *looking through books* "Hate it...Hate it...Hate it... Hate it...Ohh! I LOVE THIS ONE! Just kidding, I hate it. Hate it... Hate it..." -_-

Cameraman: *face palm* "Really?


Narrator: "Thank you all very much for reading this section today, and me, Noctis and our cameraman, will see you again in the near future."

Cameraman: "I don't know if I can survive another filming with this wacky Prince..." >_<

Noctis: "Haha! Happy birthday to me!" :D

End of story nineteen

A/N: All the credit of the "101 ways to beat stress" goes to a poster I have in my house XD I just came up with Noctis's demonstrations :) ANOTHER BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NOCTIS!! (/^0^)/ ~~***

Final Fantasy Short Stories |  (2016-2017)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora