Story sixteen: Flabbergasted! \(°○°)/

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Mailman: *rings doorbell to Kadaj's house* o_o

Kadaj: *cooking dinner* "Really? Who could that possibly be?" -_- *walks over to door and opens it*

Mailman: "Um, sorry if you were busy, but here's a package for you..." *hands over package*

Kadaj: "Oh, as a matter of fact-- I WAS busy!" :D *snatches package away* "Goodbye." -_- *slams door in front of mailman*

~Back inside Kadaj's house~

Kadaj: *walks up to Yazoo and Loz* "Ugh... That mailman looked like he had a terrible sunburn... Not to mention he was all sweaty and it looked like he got through eating twelve hamburgers." -_-

Yazoo and Loz: *silent for a minute* "....." o_o *both burst out laughing* "HA HA HA HA HA!!" :'D

~Back with the mailman~

Mailman: *just standing outside the door, listening to Kadaj* "....." O_O "...I'm FLABBERGASTED!"  \(°○°)/

End of story sixteen

A/N: I'm sorry if this makes, like, no sense at all xD This was such a random idea :')

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