Story fourteen: Kadaj goes to the Dream Suite

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Tifa: "Hey Kadaj, there's something new in town called a Dream Suite. Wanna go?" :3

Kadaj: "Oh-no... Let me guess. Is it one of those places that make you have crazy dreams with no logic whatsoever?" -_-'

Tifa: "Um, yeah... That sounds about right." o_o'

Kadaj: "Well, you can just forget about taking me there. The people that run places like that-- are the definition of weird." >:/

Tifa: "Hmm... Not much different from you then." :p

Kadaj: "......" -_- "Ugh... FINE. I'll go with you. But only to prove that those people are even bigger weirdos than yours truly." *storms off*

~Timeskip to the Dream Suite~

Tifa: "Here we are!" \(^o^)/

Kadaj: "Fantastic..." -_- "All right, you go in first and tell me if it's safe." o_o

Tifa: "Ohh, so it's gonna be like that, huh?" >:( "In that case, we'll do rock, paper, scissors for it! And whoever loses gets to go in first!" :)

Kadaj: "Whatever." -_- *puts hand in fist*

Both: "Rock... paper... scissors!" >:o

Tifa: *hand forming paper*

Kadaj: *hand forming rock*

Tifa: *laughs* "Paper covers rock~!" >:p

Kadaj: "Oh my God..." *groans and walks inside the Dream Suite* >:(


Kadaj: "Um... Hello?" o_o

Woman: "Ahh, are you not Kadaj? One of the tired and stressed residents of this town?" u_u

Kadaj: "....." o_o' *laughs nervously... then turns into quiet sobbing* "Someone get me out of here..." >_<

Woman: "Please, lay down on this soft bed. And soon we will enter the world of dreams." u_u

Kadaj: "All right... but if you make me have a nightmare-- you're toast! No butter! No jelly! Just plain, burnt toast!" >:o

Woman: "Very well..." u_u

Kadaj: *slowly lies down on bed* :/

Woman: "One sheep...two sheep...three sheep... four..." u.u

Kadaj: "Oh really? We're gonna count sheep like little babies? I would never..." -_- *suddenly feels sleepy and instantly starts snoring*


Kadaj: *opens eyes and finds himself in a land with pink, puffy clouds scattered everywhere* o.o "Great... I must be dreaming about some fluffy, pink town..." -_-

*a unicorn with Clould Strife's face suddenly appears*

Kadaj: "AAHH! C-Cloud? Is that you..?" O○O -!?

Cloud: "Ah, why yes it is. But it appears I have been transformed into a rainbow-pooping unicorn." -_- *poops a rainbow*

Kadaj: "........." O_O *curls up in a ball and sobs a bit* "AAAHHH! THAT'S SO GROSS AND SO COLORFUL AT THE SAME TIME!" >0<


Woman: *laughs evilly and and takes off mask, revealing Tifa* >:)

Tifa: "Haha! And that's-- how you mess with Kadaj!" :D

End of story fourteen


A/N: The "Dream Suite" comes from the Nintendo game "Animal Crossing New Leaf". My friend,  JockViassco was talking about the game, which gave me the idea of writing a story about it :3

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