Story nine: Bartz and Zidane

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A/N: This story will have the characters Bartz and Zidane. I was unable to put a photo of Zidane too, so right up there ^ is our good friend Bartz :) These two seem like the best of friends, so why not write a short story about them? ^o^


Bartz: "Hey, Zidane! You know what time it is?" >:)

Zidane: "I think you know that I know what time it is!" >:)

Both: "Slam bam time!!" ^.^

Bartz: "Well butter me up and call me toast!"

Zidane: "Fry me up and call me bacon!"

Bartz: "Scramble me up and call me eggs!"

Both: *laughing* :'D

Warrior: *slowly walks by* "Excuse me... What are you two doing?" -_-

Bartz: "Slam bam-ing!" :D

Warrior: o_o -? "Slam bam-ing...?"

Zidane: "Yeah! Watch this!" *turns to Bartz* "Pour me in a cup and call me orange juice!"

Bartz: "Flip me twice and call me a pancake!"

Zidane and Bartz: *laughing hard* :''D

Warrior: *face palm* "These people are nuts... Why is my job so difficult?" -.-

End of story nine

A/N: Just a little fun fact... In this story, Warrior of Light is pretty much in charge of everyone in the university they are staying at. So that's why he asks himself: "why is my job so difficult?" ;)

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