Chapter 28. Breaking A Record

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           There was anger in his eyes like I had never seen before. "You're never going back there. You're turning him in," River said. River paced back and forth in front of me.

"Seriously, my word against his? Good luck with that, River," I muttered. I rested my elbows on my knees and leaned forward on the couch. I buried my face in my hands.

"He's not getting away with this, Dallas!" River growled.

"River, nothing actually happened," I said in my hands. It was barely audible.

River's hands wrapped around my arms and pulled my hands away from my face. I had no choice but to look into his eyes as he knelt between my legs.

"Do you have any idea how unprofessional it is? He could do that to anyone, Dallas," he said softly. "You don't want him doing it worse to someone else, do you?"

I sighed and shook my head.

River stood up and grabbed the house phone. River got on the phone with the police department.

A female cop I never met and an older male cop I knew well came in to take my statement.

After they left, River ran his fingers through my hair. "Come on. Let's go to bed, baby."

By Saturday, I was a nervous wreck. I was so afraid of failing. I paced back and forth in the back of the arena.


"Relax, baby," River said.

"Relax? You're my coach, and that is your witty advice? Relax?" I asked dramatically. I threw my arms in the air.

River mashed his lips together in a straight line to keep from laughing at me. As I spun on my heel to face the other way, I crashed right into River.

River grabbed my face between his hands and gave me a small smile. "Relax, baby. You'll do great. You underestimate yourself. You've done this a thousand times. You're incredible at racing and jumping." River rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs. I couldn't help but relax.

"Fine," I groaned. He pressed his lips softly to mine. "We best get on with it," I muttered.

River chuckled. "That's the spirit."

We both looked up when we heard a cough.

Arianna walked past us with her horse. My heart pounded in my chest. Arianna was very good at this when we were young. She won several races and came close to winning a few times. She's had a lot more practice. Arianna never took a break from it as I had.

"Oh god," I whispered. I leaned into River.

River rubbed my back soothingly. "Come on, legs. You've beaten her a thousand times."

"Years ago, River. Not to mention she has beaten me a few times too," I hissed. "She was always really good!"

River kissed my forehead. "She'll never be as good as you."

"You're biased," I grunted.

"We'll see about that," he muttered.

We walked up to the arena with Crixus. People in the stands cheered, and the noise filled the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Anaconda's annual barrel racing event!" The announcer shouted through the microphone.

River kissed me and moved away to stand off to the side.

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