Chapter 17. Confidential

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"I should really get a car soon," I muttered.

River chuckled. "Well, actually, when you're done with work, we're going to pick up the truck. It's fixed."

"Maybe I shouldn't be driving it. Apparently, it's a target." I arched a brow.

"I'm going to put a dashcam in it," River said. River pulled into a parking spot behind the clinic.


"Yep, leave it on when you go into work," River said and shrugged.

"What if they break into the truck and take the cam?" I asked.

River knitted his eyebrows together. "I didn't think of that."

"You better just park your truck in your garage. We need to figure out who is doing this before using the truck again. It doesn't make sense. If it's someone who knows both of us, they must have known it was me using the truck," I said.

River sighed and looked away. "Yeah, that is true, but they knew it was my truck. Everyone in this fucking town knows that truck is mine," River paused and took a deep breath. "We'll talk about it later, okay?"

I pecked him on the lips and climbed out of the truck. "I'll see you later," I said before I shut the door.

Aly sat at the nurse's station, but she was too busy to tease me like she usually did. She and I had become good friends. Aly moved here with her boyfriend about a year ago from Billings. They wanted a smaller town and to get out of the city.

I sat at my computer and opened my list of appointments. My first appointment was with River's mom. Confused, I clicked on it to open it up, wondering why she came in. Bonnie wasn't the kind to come to the doctor unless she felt it was serious. Aunt Helen was like that too.

A gasp escaped me as I stared at the contents of the appointment. I swallowed hard. This can't possibly be right. I grabbed my clipboard and went to the waiting room.

"Bonnie Storm," I stated her name. I watched as she rose from her chair.

Bonnie stopped when her eyes met mine. Bonnie's lips parted. I was filling in today for Doctor O'Neil's regular nurse, so she wasn't expecting me. Bonnie grabbed her purse and walked toward me. To my surprise, Bonnie walked past me toward the door.

Quickly, I sat my clipboard down and chased her out the front door. "Bonnie, wait," I pleaded.

Bonnie didn't slow.

My steps faltered as I tried to think of the right thing to say. "Bonnie, it is confidential. I can't say anything!" I called after her.

Bonnie stopped and turned to face me. Bonnie's cheeks were flushed and moist.

"River doesn't know, does he?"

Bonnie shook her head. "I don't know how to tell him."

My eyes grew foggy and moist. "Look, I can't tell him. Like I said, it's confidential, but I really think you should tell him. Please come back inside. Let's just do the appointment, okay?"

Bonnie mashed her lips together in a line and nodded in agreement.

I followed her into the clinic. I took her weight and temperature. Bonnie's weight was below average. I noticed she seemed thinner, but being an alcoholic would do that.

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