Chapter 21. Blindfold

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"This is ridiculous, River," I muttered.

River pulled my hand and forced me to stay blindfolded. "It kind of is, legs, but I like being ridiculous for you," River said softly. He led me to wherever he was taking me.

I snorted at his reply and rolled my eyes, but River couldn't see me do it below the blindfold. River stopped me and moved behind me. The wind blew slightly. Crickets chirped, frogs croaked, and the radio was up. We must not have walked far from River's truck. His heart pounded against my back as he undid the blindfold.

I hesitated for a moment before I opened my eyes, but I was completely taken aback when I did. The sun wasn't too high in the sky, and it shimmered over the lake. It was beautiful.

"What is this?" I breathed in shock.

"You work a lot. You work hard, and I can't even come close to repaying you for everything you've done for me. You're always so good with Lyle even when he has you wanting to pull your hair out," River said and chuckled. "I thought you deserved something nice, or to know at least that you're appreciated."

I turned around to face him. River bit down on his lip nervously and waited for my reaction. I smiled and stood on my toes. I pecked his lips. Beneath a shade tree was a blanket and a wicker basket. I had never had a picnic before, and it seemed cliché but so perfect.

"It's amazing. Thank you," I said.

The radio from his truck was still playing. The truck was parked only a few feet from the tree that shaded the blanket and picnic basket.

We sat down in the shade and ate what he had packed. When we were finished, River pulled out a wine bottle.

"Really?" I asked and giggled.

"Well, of course. Now what kind of picnic would it be if there was no wine?" River said and smirked.

River had his back against the trunk of the tree. I scooted back and placed myself between his legs. My head rested against his shoulder. My back pressed against his chest. His heart pounded in rhythm with mine. River handed me the glass of wine. We clinked our glasses together and took a sip.

"Wow, this tastes good," I said, surprised.

"It fucking better. It's expensive as hell," River said and laughed.

"What?" I gasped.

"Chill out, legs. My parents had it since their wedding. I heard aged wine is great, but this...yum," River said. He licked his lips.

"You stole your parents wedding wine?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, Mom said I could have it. I figured who better to drink it than us?" River winked at me.

I chuckled before I took another sip of the sweet red wine.

I sighed contently and settled my head against the side of his neck. The sun started to make its way behind the hills that surrounded the lake.

"It's nice out here. We don't come here enough," I said.

"No, we don't," River agreed. "You know, I got to be honest. I'm amazed anything about Montana amuses you after seeing Los Angeles. Don't get me wrong; I would never live there. I'm a country boy. I'll die before living in some crazy ass city, but realistically that place is beautiful. Even I can't deny that," River said. Sadness filled his voice.

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