Post-Sessions [Part 3]

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Her steps were quick as she made it down the street. It all felt familiar, like muscle memory really, even if she had down it only a few times.

Her hands suddenly felt the metal rim of a glass door as she opened it, her eyes scanning the bakery in its entirety. Empty. Except for a small table on the corner of the shop. The people sitting there lifted their eyes and she swore fire replaced the blood in her veins in that very moment.

She made her way to them in what seemed like the blink of an eye. The detective and the officer started to stand up from their spot. Y/N stood right in front of Seonghwa, catching his tense stance and firm gaze.

"I think it's better if you sit down detective" She said. "I was looking for you"

His eyes seemed to widen ever so slightly before he forced them back to their normal size. The man sat back down slowly as his head hung low.

"And I was also looking for you" Y/N said turning to Jongho. "Especially when I was told you went missing"

This was much different from how she approached things. She usually waited for the tide to go down before stabbing the shark. She didn't really care at this point. Kill the goddamn thing right?

She pulled a chair from another table and sat down on it, making sure her posture was not as rigid or tense as she usually was under their eyes.

"As you know, I've been gone from this case for a while now" Y/N said, placing her hands on the table. "But something I heard really made my blood run cold"

She closed her eyes for a moment, imagining Irene talking with Mingi in the middle of the street. Something about, even if it felt off, it felt too genuine to let it slide, plus the nervous states she had the officers in seemed to confirm it.

"Officer Choi" She said, her voice turning clearer. "I heard you told San something. Something that led him to attack me"

She leaned a little forward towards him. He was not even looking at her, at this point he wore his fear on his sleeve.

"I wanna know what that was. Because at this point, you are pissing me off with your handy little secrets" She said, her voice seemingly lowering in pitch.

Jongho's biceps bulged up as he kept his gaze away from the woman. A lazy smirk appeared on her face as she turned to the Detective, who had his eyes on her every move. Good.

She drummed her fingers as she let out a hum.

"I honestly don't get why you told me your promise detective." She began. "Much less, allow me to know where it was all heading."

He seemed to debate his actions as he lost her movement. She lifted her fingers, snapping them in front of him.

"Nuh-uh" She said. "Eyes on me"

She met his gaze. Emotions of all sorts twirls inside his eyes. They were rather taken aback by her advances and even she was. But could anyone really blame her? She has been thrown into a lion's den multiple times, she's lost friends, she finally separated herself from her family, she has been threatened to die, all of this for a guy sitting in a cell for being a complete maniac. Yeah, looks like a legit reaction.

"Now, gentlemen, I would say I have no time to waste, but honestly, I could do this all day" She said, leaning back on her chair. "I'm all ears. I'll leave as soon as you guys give me what I want"

She turned to look at Seonghwa.

"And that means the entire story. From how you met San to now. I wanna know even your happiest moments because I wanna see if it all really went wrong" She said.

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