Post-Session 7 [Part 1]

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"I'm writing it in my head at the moment" Y/N said as she stepped off the bus and into the street.

"The entire case sounds wobbly" Professor James said, his tone full of honesty.

"If I have to explain it in a public bus, yes, it is" She said, speeding up. "But I can definitely get it to stick with all the evidence and testimonies I have"

"You will have to call in witnesses" Professor James said.

"I know" She said, pulling the door to the police station open. "In fact, I'm on my way to meet one now"

She kept moving until she spotted Seonghwa coming back with a bunch of papers in hand.

"I'll pass by campus later today" She said. "Is that alright?"

"I'll contact Miss Yi, see what she has to say" Professor James said just as the line went dead.

"Will it be too much to ask what are you doing here?" Seonghwa asked once he was close enough.

Y/N pulled the key out of her pocket.

"You just became a witness to a case" She said as quietly as possible.

Seonghwa's jaw tensed as he tilted his head towards the conference room. She didn't take another second as she moved her feet over.

"What the-" "Irene" She said quickly once the door was closed. "I'm focusing the trial on Irene"

Seonghwa frowned as he moved to place the papers on the table.

"Care to explain?" He asked, placing his weight on his hands.

"Irene can be charged with murder on a life sentence if the story adds up." She said. "I told San I could get him 25 years, but with what he told me I can get him a Voluntary Manslaughter charge if I can play this thing right"

"How do you get 13 accounts of murder under voluntary Manslaughter!?" Seonghwa asked.

"If you put 12 on another person" She said. "There are signs of aggression that Irene showed the girls before they disappeared. And you can also ask witnesses about it"

She opened her eyes a little more to emphasize that he was one of said witnesses.

"That or he gets second degree with Irene running around freely" She said.

"Why can't Irene be put through with San on that one?" Seonghwa asked.

"Irene has the card she used on the trial" She said. "Abuse"

Seonghwa let out a breath.

"You're one unique son of a bitch" He muttered, most likely referring to San.

"San will be getting a decade or even a little more" She said. "He is still paying a long time but not under the same case as Irene. After all, she was the one that wanted them dead"

"It still sounds morally wrong." He said.

"Seonghwa" She said. "Everything, in this case, is wrong. If you want me to go the nice person route then all of you are being charged with murder."

He looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Accomplice charge" She said shrugging.

"I can also get him a charge of second degree and involuntary" She stated. "You decide"

"Why me?" He asked.

"You seem to be the most knowledgeable about all of this. You are a detective Seonghwa" She said.

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