The New King (Edited)

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After death, you found yourself in a non-human body, holding what looks like a bong, surrounded by other members of the same species asking you "how was the trip?" in a language you somehow understand despite never hearing it before.

My name is George Howell. It is my time to leave this place. My family isn't ready for me to leave but I guess I just know the truth. It has been a long fight that I know I would not win. I have been battling this disease for the last five years. Five more years then what I was supposed to have. My family was so mad when I said I didn't want to pursue treatment. I knew it was my time and that this disease would take me just like so many others before me.

The world around me starts to fade as I hear my family crying and trying to comfort me. If only they knew I was ready and that everything will be okay. I wish I could say something that would provide them with comfort. I have lived a long life, I would be eight-nine in a couple weeks. The world goes black as my family fades away.

I start waking up and look around to see what seems to be non-human people? I examine my arms, legs, and body and see that I seem to be the same. I look around the little circle room we are in and see people that are all similar to me. I look at myself again and see silver hair that lays over my shoulder in a braid. I seem to be wearing a form fitting black tactical outfit. There is some kind of logo on the right shoulder. It is a red circle with some kind of red symbol in the center. The black boots that seem to be really thin but feels really comfortable that fit my foot and leg like a glove. The boots go all the way up to my knees. It is almost as if they were made specifically for me.

I look around again and see the people wearing similar outfits. All of their hair seems to be a lot shorter than mine. Everyone is looking at me in expectation. I wait in utter confusion for someone to say something. I test my body and stretch. I don't feel old. I feel good, my body seems to be in wonderful shape.

"Your majesty, we received word that you were awaking from your slumber. How was the trip?" The person who is directly a crossed from me asks. What looks like a bong is being passed to me from the person on my right. I look at it with confusion written all over my face.

"Your majesty it is important that you breathe in the smoke so you can regain your memories." I scrunch my face in confusion as I scrutinize the bong. I grab it and the person to my right seems to push a button on the side as smoke starts pouring out of the top.

"You must put your face in the smoke for the best result." I look at the people around the room and they all nod their heads at me to continue. I look at the bong one more time before I put my face in the smoke. I immediately feel my senses start to become clearer. I pull my head back out of the smoke.

I see the person that talked to me start to approach me. "Sleep your majesty, don't fight it. Everything will make sense when you wake." I slip into sleep as I feel my body slump back into the cushion.

I wake up with a start as I look around the room. I look at my hair and see that it has grown a lot. They have kept braiding it for me but it is rude to cut the hair when the person is in the simulation. I look around and see that the room is now empty. I must have woken up earlier then they had planned. I stand up as I feel the stiffness in my body. I have been in that room, in that chair for five years. Five years here, eighty-nine years down on earth.

The simulation is where we experience the life of someone on earth. We go through everything. It is beyond my knowledge to try and explain. Our subconscious is put into a body, it is us but it also isn't. If at any point we die, our subconscious returns to our body. This simulation is something only the highest of officials in our society are allowed to go through. We are the protectors of earth so it is customary for the next ruler to go through the full life simulation. Warriors and guardians only have to do ten years in earth time. The higher the position you hold the longer the simulation time you need to experience.

Now that I have completed the simulation my training to take over the throne is complete. They will have a welcome home ceremony where I will have to give a speech. From here the plans for the coronation will start to take place. Coronations are far and few, so it will be a very big deal. Our race operates differently than humans as a result we live way longer than humans. This just means that anything that happens in the royal family is very big news and is widely celebrated.

I reach my room as I start to prepare for the ceremony which I am guessing will be here in a couple hours. I shower and braid my hair. My hair for now is a sign of the simulation being complete, I must wear it like this for one month. After that month I may do what I wish with my hair. I put on my ceremonial robes, sash, and crown as a knock sounds on my door. I walk to my door and see my butler is here to escort me down to the party.

"Did you have a good simulation your majesty?" He asks as he bows to me in respect. We start making our way towards the ballroom as I respond, "Yes, it was a very normal but informative life." My butler seems satisfied with my answer as he trails behind me.

There is a superstition that the simulation will be a reflection of the kings rule. If it is a bad simulation where the person gets killed young or is in a lot of trouble, it is a sign of war and hardship on the kingdom. Since my simulation was long and we lived a just life the kingdom has a good omen.

We reach the ballroom as the butler informs me to wait here. I watch as he slips through the servant door to the right of the big golden double doors. Eventually I hear the crowd quieting down, and the three loud knocks of the announcers staff sounds. I hear him clear his voice to speak, "Introducing our Crown Prince of Earth's Protectors; Kenneth Indulf." The doors gradually open as I make my appearance. The people I will soon rule over start to cheer and eventually make it to their feet standing for my welcome out of the simulation. 


This prompt came from the app Impromptu. Please vote, comment, follow and enjoy. Let me know what you think.



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