New World (Edited)

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The Last remnants of humanity collectively put themselves into a suspended state of sleep, with Al-enabled androids repairing the planet. When revived, the world is completely healed, there seems to be magic, and new sentient species abound. The androids are revered as long-vanished gods.

"We must save the world! We must put ourselves to sleep to ensure the safety of the human race. Come sign up for you sleep pod now! Guaranteed to give you a long rest, with you waking up feeling refreshed, and energized. You will also wake up healthy and ready to help develop the new and improved world. Let us save the world together. Come in now to start your sleep process for a better future."

The commercial ends as I look away from the glass capsule above me. I look around and see other people waking up, watching the commercial or looking around at their surroundings. After a while all of the people that were in their capsules were looking around. Suddenly I hear popping sounds and I look around and see rows of people are starting to get out from their pods. The pods are unlocking row by row, and sadly I am in the last row so I am going to be here for a while. Finally, after what feels like forever my pod pops open. I push it the rest of the way open so that I can get out.

I look around the room and see at least a hundred rows of pods, with the bright florescent lights above all the pods. The room looks like something out of a hospital with its white walls and ceiling. I look down at the floor and see that they are white with little blue specks. Toward the front of the building is a massive silver door with a bar across it. On the right wall there are screens with a tray at the bottom of it. I think that is where the food is being served. The other walls seem to just be blank. I notice there are no windows in this place, but that means we have no clue what the outside world looks like.

Everyone seems to head off to the right side of the room and are standing around in one big group. I start walking that way and start making my way through the crowd. I look back and notice the last of the people that came out of their pods have come to join the giant group. There is a crackling sound above us so I look up and see the intercom.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the new world. You have been woken up because the world is now healthy and clean. The androids have been successful, and the world is ready for everyone to shape it. Before you can be let out of this room, a government must be set up and everyone must have a job in the new world. Once you have a plan established someone must type it into the computer in the right corner of the room. The government officials or leaders will be picked from the people with gold bands on their wrist. The computer will either approve or deny the plans. This will be based on an algorithm that was invented to analyze everything that makes up a successful government. Based on the computers decision further instructions will be given to the leader at that point in time. It is all based on what you guys accomplish in the time frame you need to successfully set up the government on when everyone will be allowed out into the world. Good luck with your endeavors and remember to build a better world then we had."

The intercom shuts off and everyone looks around waiting for someone to step forward. I look down at my wrist and see a gold band on it. I push through the crowd some more until I get to the big circle they left empty in the middle of the group of people. I notice a red circle that is painted on the ground, and that is where everyone has come to stand around. I step into the middle of the group of people. As I step into the middle of the circle all eyes turn to me immediately. I take a deep breathe trying to calm my sudden nerves from all the attention being on me.

As I make my way more to the center of the circle a podium rises out of the floor. I look at the roman style white pillar like podium and I see that on it is a rolled-up piece of paper. I grab the paper and notice that it has a different texture to it. I pull the ribbon out of its knot so that the I can open the paper. I glance at the paper skimming through it. I quickly realize that I need to need to read it out loud.

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