Chapter 17 Going Home

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Landon's P.O.V

I had just gotten off of the plane and into a taxi I had Alexis text me the address of her friend. Once I got there I paid the cab driver then walked up to the door and rang the bell.

"Hello" A girl answered the door.

"Yeah hi my name is Landon is Alyssa here I'm a friend of hers from Bayview Alexis told me she was here can I please see her." I say in a pleading voice.

"How do I know your friends with her." The girl asks.

"Because she knows me, even ask her." I tell the girl.

"You can even text Alexis and ask her." I pleaded already pulling out my phone for her.

"Relax somehow I actually believe you, well as long as Alyssa recognizes you, when she wakes up. Because right now I don't think she can answer you due to the fact that's she's unconscious right now. So I guess we just have to wait." She said then pulled me into the house and took me to the room Alyssa was in.

Alyssa's P.O.V

I was in a bright room sparkling lights and then I saw a figure, but before I could identify who it was I was pulled into a pit of darkness by another figure. Then the light figure grabbed my hands and pulled on me. They were both fighting so hard to keep me. Then I realized it was my figure two different sides of myself fighting for control over me the darkness was winning by dragging me farther into the dark hole of a seeping void of pitch black. Then some of my happiest memories flooded through me.
There was one in specific of me Axel and Alexis and our other brother Aaron. I had just gotten done counting to thirty and went in search of my three siblings who could actually play. We had been playing hide and seek I being who I was drew the short straw so I had to count. I decided I would start outside,  because my siblings had liked to change their hiding spots a lot so after about five minutes I found Aaron hiding in the flower patch in the backyard with weeds in his hair. He tried to run and re hide but I slipped and broke a garden knome by our grandparents pool. He came back over to me to help me up, when mom walked out and saw the shattered glass she the went inside put Peter and Parker I  their playpen and came back out with a broom and cleaned up my mess. Once she was done she asked us who did it then before I knew it Aaron took all the blame he was grounded for two months, but I never once forgot what he said after that day.

"I would take all the blame again in a heartbeat, your my favorite sibling I would even die for you." And ever since that day he kept his promise.

I still remember the day he told the whole family he had joined the military.  There was a lot of crying and shouting and a few curse words in the mix as well most of which were from most of which were from Page and mom, but you get the idea. This was a whole year before we even knew we were moving  to Bayview. Aaron had graduated highschool and had just turned nineteen. The three months later he left. It was hard for all of us but me especially because we were closer then everyone else. The following year we got news that he was missing in action we were never told if he was alive or not everybody else didn't like talking about it so we didn't. Mom even tried to get rid of any memories of him by putting all his stuff in a storage unit because it was to painful for her to think about him. And that's when me and Alexis and Axel got into even more fights at school which is again one reason we had to move. And to this day I still don't know if my brother is alive or just missing, but I cling to the little hope I have of him.

Suddenly I felt my body grow heavey then I opened my eyes and breathed in a breath of fresh air, or as close as I can get.


Landon's P.O.V

Her eyes started flickering I couldn't believe it she was finally waking up.

"La...Landon, what are you doing here." She says her voice very dry sounding, but it was still the voice of an angel.

Before she spoke another word I kissed her then hugged her pulling her tight into my chest having my best death grip on her. I didn't even realize that I was crying into her hair until she pulled back.

"Landon... wh... what's the matter." She asks me genuinely concerned for me.

"I...I like you a lot Alyssa and I don't want anything to happen to you ever." I say to her then kiss her forehead.

"That's your big dilemma grow a pair, my gosh so emotional." She says playfully I knew she was just messing with me so I decided to mess with her.

"And to think I flew all the way out to California just to be treated like this  wow some friend you are." I state making her blush then she kisses me and starts crying telling me exactly what happened.


By the time she was done talking about what happened I was fucking fuming and ready to kill the bastards that kidnapped her. But she calmed me down. Then we both fell asleep right after I told her I had our flight back home scheduled for seven o'clock in the morning tomarrow, we agreed to get some rest then in the morning we would arrive home and her family would hug the living hell out of her.


Alyssa's P.O.V

On the flight I kept thinking about my brother and why it was that specific memory, maybe it's my subconscious telling me I need to forget about it. But what ever it was I wasn't listening because right now I was more focused on getting  home to my family and more importantly my warm bed.


I know guys sorry, it's just I got some writers block on this story, so I made up for it with a longer chapter and I also added some of my own life experience to this story. Sorry if the romance in this story sucks I wouldn't know what romance looks like I kinda have no examples of it I  my life, so bear with me here please. Plus I've been busy with my other books too. And school has also been kicking my ass. That's why I wrote this on the weekend. I was planning this for Halloween, but got side tracked hanging out with some friends. So blame them. Also read Sasha Nichol's new book  His Jupiter, it is so really amazingly good one of my favorite from her you guys should totally check it out.

Signed th author

(Inner voice) Well who else writes this shit.

Inner voice is that you I missed you, a little bit.

(Inner voice) No it's the freaken Easter bunny, of course it's me you dipshit what a dumbass. By the way this update took you long enough I was about ready to strangle you.

I'm sorry I have a life, sure it may be a sad excuse for one but still I do have a life.

(Inner voice) Yeah yeah heard that one before, bitch please you have handled worse.

True, but I was a little overwhelmed.

(Inner voice) Excuses, excuses when will you ever learn.


Anyway the author

Sarah G

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