Chapter 14 A Face From the Past

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I woke up in a dark room I tried to stand up. But couldn't I was tied to a metal pole. There was a familiar sent that filled the air, and suddenly I knew where I was. I was somehow back in San Francisco the smell that filled the air, was the smell of the ocean. Which was the only comforting smell around me. I saw a person in a dark shadowy part of the room.

"Well well well look who's finally awake." I heard a familiar voice I had hoped I would never hear again.

"Gavin" I asked my voice coming out raspy because of my lack of water.

"Well who else would it be sweetheart." He says to me in mockery.

"Gavin you son of a bitch, let me go you fucking coward!" I try my best to yell at him to release me.

"No can do sugar. Relax once I'm done with you you'll be in the bottom of the ocean, hopefully drowning Where nobody will ever be able to save you, not even god you little bitch." He whispers I my ear. But knowing me I just have to go and be an idiot. I spat in his face than kicked him right where it hurts earning me a groan from him causing him to fall to the ground in pain, hah the fucking son of a bitch deserved it for being and asshole. Luckily for me the ass didn't tie up my legs, he only cuffed my wrists to the pole. So I used all the upper body strength I had and grabbed onto the pole with my hands, and pushed off the ground with my feet. Until I ended up upsidedown still against the pole. Now I was probably a few feet in the air. I tried to wrap my legs around the pole, keep in mind I said tried. Instead I ended up completely missing and fell back down to the floor.  Gavin was already standing by this time, and I wasn't looking  forward to what was about to happen next.

I soon felt the collision of his fists coming I  contact with my abdomen hard, I felt a sharp pain in my face next then fell to the ground. A large body pulled me back up and held my stance with such a firm grip I could feel their nails tearing holes in my skin I tried to scream out in pain, but a hand came over my mouth makeing sure I couldn't. But oh boy was that the biggest mistake of their life. I bit the hand and oh boy did I bite it hard. I bit so hard until I drew blood it tasted extremely bitter, but the hand remained on my mouth. I opened my jaw and closed it even harder on the hand until I heard a crackling sound, I had hit bone I bit once again on the hard substance until the hand pulled away. A loud scream echoed through the large warehouse. I hope that hurt them, in fact I hope they die in a fire. I then screamed bloody murder at the top of my lungs, I screamed so loud I was sure I probably made someone's ear drums burst with all my screaming.  Then I felt a sharp needle in my neck and then collapsed to the ground.


Don't hate me guys, okay I know I gave you quite the plot twist  the last couple of chapters. But I had a very good reason for it.

Also who the fuck is Gavin, and why did Alyssa seem so scared of him.

Who did she bite.

Will she make it out alive.

Did anybody hear her screams.

How will her family find her.

Who will she end up with.

Ahh why is the author so mean to their readers.

What will happen in the next chapter.

Find out next time. Anyway see you guys later. Also read Sasha Nichol's books and I  have my new book in the wave y'all's should read it, I'm actually really proud of it, also I'm hard working o  some other books, I'll publish them once they are finished. And I'm thinking about taking  a few of my books off hold and maybe publishing a chapter or two here and there,  so stay tuned for all my books.

Signed the Author.

(Inner voice) Your an asshole you know that right.

Why am I an asshole.

(Inner voice) You left me on a really mean spot, you better have the next chapter out, and soon.

Relax it's my fall break,  so I have plenty of time to write. Which I  fully intend to.

Anyways yours truly the Author.

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