Chapter 16 The Oh So Glorious Escape

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I woke up, my body was in a haze my limbs felt like falling off. I slowly open my eyes to a sight I really hate. Damn I should have just kept my eyes closed.

"Oh good your awake."Gavin said as he lifted me to my feet from my waist.

"What do you want you fuckwad." I ask him trying my best to come off threatening,  but from what I heard threatening wasn't working for me. Oh well my life officially sucks.

"Relax beauty, it's just that your family's first interest check is gonna occur in about three hours if they don't hurry and give me the money I asked for. But on second thought why wait to charge interest." He says getting an evil grin, next thing I knew he was undressing taking off his clothes, so I did the best and most logical thing in the universe. I kicked him right in his family jewels not that there'smuch jewel to kick. Which if I'm being honest is kind of sad. Afterwards he falls to the ground groaning in pain, and being well me I burst out laughing at his pain cause I mean you have to admit it that was hilarious.

While he's still on the ground I kicked one of my shoes off then used my pants to get my sock off. And thanks to my many years of gymnastics my flexibleness actually came in handy. Wait flexibleness is a word right.

A/N You've been kidnapped and your worried about if flexibleness is a word, what in tarnation is wrong with you. You know other than the obvious. Sorry guys I just had to point that out back to the story.

I use my flexibleness to my advantage and it somehow works. I manage to get a bobby pin out of my pocket, damn Lexis I should take your advice more often. I use the bobby pin to unlock the handcuffs that had me stuck to this stupid fucking pole.

Once I was free Gavin was trying to stand up, so I kicked him really hard in the head causing him to go unconscious. I pulled hi  over to the pole I was cuffed to then cuffed him to it. I grabbed my shoe then started running out of the warehouse.

Once I was a good three to four blocks away from there I thought about where I should go. Then it hit me I should go to one person I can always count on, my best friend Loren. I started running towards Loren's house as fast as my legs would carry me.

I finally got to Loren's house then rang the doorbell. The door flung open and I saw the sight of my best friend since kindergarten Loren Blackwell.

"Alyssa, what are you doing here." She asked me I just stood there blankly, then pulled her into a hug and started crying.

"Sh...Sh It's okay it's okay...what's wrong what happened why are you all covered in bruises, who did that to you." She asked me but before I could even do anything I collapsed onto the ground and fell unconscious.

Landon's P.O.V

I was at my house waiting for Nate when I got a call from Alexis.

"Hey is there any news." I ask her my voice laced with worry.

"I just got a call from my friend Loren in San Francisco Alyssa showed up there ten minutes ago." She told me which made me feel a little relieved that at least she was safe, for now anyway.

"Okay thanks for telling me." I told her then hung up the phone. And got in my car and started Driving straight to the airport.

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