Chapter 13 I Have to Tell Her

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Landon's P.O.V before he goes to talk to Alyssa.

I was walking back from my best friend  Ethan's house. Until I heard arguing,  I slowly peeked around the corner and saw Jackson or as I like to call him Jockass. He was arguing with some boys around our age, but they weren't from our school. So I decided to listen in on their conversation.

"So Winters how close are you to completing the bet." One of the boys said while picking up a beer out of an ice chest.

"Would you girls relax, trust me I'll have Alyssa in my bed by the end of the month. I mean she kinda does strike me as a bit of a slut so she should be plenty willing." I heard Jackson say. He was using Alyssa, I'm  gonna kill that lying sorry son of a bitch, that asswhipe was just trying to fuck her. Well he's about to get fucked up himself for betting something like that with these creeps. Oh my god I have to tell Alyssa.

After that I took off running so fast towards Alyssa's house, but how was I supposed to tell her without any proof. I guess she'll just have to trust me.

I shad finally arrived at her house,  I waited a few seconds and caught my breath, I think I'll just ease into the conversation,  maybe I'll take her somewhere to talk. Yeah that's it. I slowly walked up to her porch where she was reading a comic book. She looked up and noticed me standing in front of her.

"Hey Landon, what are doing here." She asks me.

"I came to see if you are doing anything,  and by the fact that your reading I'm gonna go with you aren't doing anything, so do you wanna come somewhere with me." I asked asked her, my heart racing a mile a minute.

"Sorry but no can do, I kinda can't." She said making me feel a little bad for the fact that I can't ease her into the conversation.

"Well why not." I ask with an annoyed look on my face because I might not be able to tell her.

"Well you see, funny story. I'm uh kind of umm well grounded." She tells me while rubbing her neck nervously.

"Is it cause of the incident at school." I ask with my usual smirk on his face at the fact of seeing Jockass getting punched.

"Unfortunately yes it is." She says,  causing me to laugh at even thinking him getting punched again.  But he's an asshole what are you really expecting.

"Alyssa, come here I need you." Parker yelled for her. She quickly ran into the house and up the stairs.

Damnit now how am I gonna tell her about Winter's bet. Ugh this day can't get any worse can it, come on Landon buck the fuck up and tell her already you little wimp. Next thing I hear is the voice of none other than Jackson.

"Look I know you were spying on me White, and just so you know she's never going to believe you." He says while smirking.

"What makes you so sure that she will believe you over me." I ask him holding back my urge to get angry.

"Because you have no proof that your right." He says to me while folding his arms.

"And you have no proof that I'm wrong." I tell the little fuckwad.

"Whatever you say your the school Badboy, nobody is going to believe you." Oh seriously he wants to play that game, okay I'll play.

"What, just cause I'm the so called Badboy no one is gonna believe me. You think they'll believe you, you Jockass." I say while slightly shoving him. I looked towards the driveway and see that the car that was there had started,  I saw Alyssa in it  She then pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

That's when Jackson came at me almost hitting me in the jaw, that is until I dodged his punch and grabbed his arms bending them in a direction the probably shouldn't go, then I heard a cracking sound and shoved him to the ground,  hearing him cry out and wince in pain. Maybe now he'll learn his lesson about betting on a girl, and trying to punch someone stronger than him. I left him there and went to go see where Alyssa went.

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