Chapter 5 Class with the Badboy

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He had this class too, ugh life just had to do this I hate this universe ughhhhh.

"Well well twice in one day what are the odds."
He said.

"By the way my name is Landon, what's yours." He asked me.

"Alyssa I'm new here." I say putting my hand out for him to shake.

"Yeah I kinda figured that out when you bumped into me, most people wouldn't have dared to look at me after that." He says while shaking my hand.

"And why's that." I ask politely.

"I'm not exactly what you call a good person." He tells me.

I don't know why he would say that he seems like a good person to me, but I've only known him all of probably ten minutes, so yeah what do I know.

"Okay everybody today we are going to start a project, and this project is a partner project that will be going for the rest of the year okay so I'm going to let you pick your partners." The teacher says

"Hey do you wanna be partners Landon." A girl came over to Landon and asked him making me cringe at how annoying her voice was, seriously it was like nails on a chalkboard.

"I can't I'm already partners with Alyssa." He said to her in a monotone voice.
She started glaring at me intensely, man if looks could kill I would be dead already.

She left and he turned towards me.

"I don't recall you asking to be my partner." I say with my best thinking face on.

"Yeah, well to bad so sad sweetness." He tells me.

Uh what's up with the nickname, is he on drugs or something seriously what shit is this boy on cause he is tripping if he thinks he can tell me what to do.

Class was finally over thank goodness. And I was so happy I had drama next.

I soon reached the Classroom and sat down in the back of the class by myself.

The teacher Mrs. Baker started talking.

"If you think Drama is going to be an easy A you may want to get out of my class now. If you are here because you like acting and actually have a talent for it then stay and audition for my class and for all of our plays and you can experience drama in a completely different more unique aspect. And have a whole new outlook on life." She told us with a lot of emotion filling her words.

When drama was over I was actually kinda sad, because that was the one class I actually paid attention in because of my love for the dramatic arts.

I went outside and saw Axel and Alexis by the car the both were looking at me. When I walked up to them Axel handed me the keys and then said.

"Your driving." He told me which is strange because I never drive mean if you were in my shoes you wouldn't drive either. I am legit serious right now. I fucking suck at driving. But I guess since Axel doesn't want to I kinda have to, as for Alexis driving no because she isn't allowed to drive or be alone in a kitchen or have a concealed carry. But that isn't up for a discussion so yeah no.

As I was driving I was going to go pick up the younger kids and then a something sent my head flying onto the steering wheel. Causing me to swerve and hit somthing making the car go flying in the air and land the car upside down.

The Badboy Or The Jock (Complete And Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now