Chapter 1 The long ass drive.

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Alyssa's P.O.V

"How much further." Page whined as we continued our drive.

"We will get there when we get there." Dad said slightly annoyed by Pages constant complaining.

"Dad mom can we stop for food I'm dying back here." Parker pleaded.

"Ohm ohm peace is beautiful as the stars are bright." Peter said as he meditated aloud.

"Lexis stop moving your stabbing me with your nails." Axel said frustrated by Alexis and her constant squirming.

"Oh I'm sorry maybe next time you should sit next to someone who cares." Alexis said frustrated equally.

Somehow my mother was still fast asleep although I can understand when you've been awake since three in the morning loading a moving truck with the last few boxes of your old life.

"Honey" My dad spoke softly to my mom and moved one hand from the steering wheel to her leg and shook her awake.

She looked up at him and smiled.

"Babe I think the kids could use a break they are quite rowdy today." My dad told my mom.
And you know he was exactly right we are quite rowdy today,  well not me I'm not really rowdy ever unless I get into a fight with someone.

"Okay" and with that she took control of the situation.

"Who needs what." She asked all of us.

"And remember one at a time." She stated sternly.

I started to blurt out what she needed to know.
"Parker needs food, Page wants to know how far we have to go, Peter needs a shrink, and Axel and Alexis need to be seperated I don't need anything but my book." I told her so no one else would have to confuse her ears.

"Okay thank you Alyssa, honey pull into the nearest gas station." My mother told my father, next thing I know we are pulling into a gas station and my mom is telling us to get out.

We all got out and stretched as Page put her arms out for our dad to pick her up, and because she was his little girl he did just that, we all walked into the small building and my dad put Page down and my mom Alexis and Page all went to the restrooms as well as Axel and Peter, leaving me Parker and dad alone to get snacks. Well more just me and dad Parker was too busy flirting with the cashier to help us look for good snacks.

I soon got bored of looking for snacks and started reading my book again while walking,  which led me to walk right into a wall causing me to fall flat on the floor while I hit my head on a display case. When I stood up I noticed a red liquid on the floor. And then touched my head to see if it was blood, and sure enough it was. Then I went over to where some napkins were and then put some against where the blood was coming from and put a headband on to keep the napkins in place on the back of my head. After that I decided no more reading while walking.

I jogged over to my dad who had a basket in his hand that had carrots in it and some fiber bars, I knew I shouldn't have left him alone to find snacks, I pulled the carrots out of the basket and replaced them with sunflower seeds and gummies as well as a pack of Twizzlers and some mini donuts I then grabbed some Gatorades and Sprite then pulled him to the cashiers counter.

Just as I made him pay my mom walked out of the bathroom with Alexis and Page by her sides.

"Hey Parker." I said to my little brother who was still flirting. He looked up at me and said.
"Go tell Axel and Peter that we are leaving,  they are in the bathroom." I told him and with that he set off towards the men's restroom.

As my mom and the others came over to me and dad I noticed she seemed a little more relaxed knowing the rest of the ride would be quiet.

As my dad grabbed the bags we all started walking out and to the SUV and piled in, me first going into the left corner of the far back seat then Page in the middle then Alexis. Then in the first backseat there sat Axel Peter and Parker. On the way home mom was driving so dad could get some sleep before we got to the new house.

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