Chapter 15 I Will Kill Them

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Landon's P.O.V

I had just gotten back from the machanic shop where Parker told me Alyssa went to. The car was still there, but the girl at the counter said she had left hours ago. So I decided to go back to her house and ask her brothers or sisters if they have seen her after that.

As soon as I got there I rang the doorbell.  Her triplet sister Alexis opened the door with tears in her eyes.

"Alexis what happened, where is Alyssa." I ask her she just pulls me inside the house. I find all of her family I  the living room staring at the T.v on the screen was a guy holding a gun to Alyssa's head then he started talking.

"Well I jope your get this before it's too late,you have twenty four hours to give me a million dollar or your sweet beautiful Alyssa here gets her brains blown out. Oh and Mr. Clark I wouldn't think about calling any of your old friend, cause if you do I won't hesitate to kill your blond beauty of a daughter. And until I get my money I already have a way for you to pay interest. And I'll give you a hint at what it involves. It involves my little friend inside of her, so ticktoc I'd hurry up you have twenty four hours." And with that the video ended. I swear as soon a I get my hands on him I will kill him, especially if he touches my future girlfriend. I walk out of the house and head towards the house of one people I can always trust.

As soon as I burst through the door of Nate's house. Causing everyone to rush to the front room where the door was. Note I said was, it umm let's just say that now Nate can go door shopping.

"Dude what the hell is wrong with you." Nate asks me as I shove the door out of my way.

"I need your help, my friend of mine her name is Alyssa, she was just kidnapped I need you to help me find her and get her back please dude I'm begging you." I ask pleading for his help.

"Relax dude I'll help, I'll send someone to hack their location, did they send a ransom video." He asks me.

"Yeah they want a million dollars, and their giving her family twenty four hours." I say to him.

"Okay I'll send my guy's over to their house right now." He says then pulls out his phone and starts  making calls.


Hey guys it's the Author,  so it has been decided that this book will probably most likely end at chapter 20. But do not fret about not being able to see much of Nate in this book, because he will be the love interest in one of my books that's yet to come, it's going to be called BURNING LOVE. It's pretty much Alexis love story. So make sure to check that out, cause trust me you'll want to know what happens in that book, also I already made the cover check it out guys.

You guys can make covers and send them to me if you want, I just might use them

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You guys can make covers and send them to me if you want, I just might use them. Also if you message me I will probably message you back. Just thought you guys should know that.

Signed the Author

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