48: Special Offer

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The day after Prom, Saturday, is a busy day. Dad has a meeting at the Aaron Limited offices and a lunch after it, which he asked Seb and me to attend. We get home late in the evening and I'm so tired from the day and the little sleep that I got last night that I decide to bypass tea that everyone else has decided to have and fall asleep the minute I lie down in bed.

I jerk awake at the sound of something hitting my window. I sit up quickly and look around for an intruder but there's no one. The window is closed. I shakily get out of bed and walk over to the window to glance out.

I almost fall over in relief when I spot Ben under my window.

I push it open and watch in shock as he begins to climb up the tree outside my window.

"Why the theatrics?" I demand to know once he has hopped in through the window.

"Do you know what time it is?" He asks.

"What?" I frown.

"It's past midnight." He says and I blanch.

"How are you out so late?" I ask him.

"Snuck out just as I snuck in." He smiles and holds up a McDonald's paper bag, "Plus, I stopped by earlier and your mom said that you fell asleep without having dinner."

As if on cue my stomach rumbles loudly, "Well." I laugh softly.

We sit down on the floor of my bedroom as Ben empties the contents of the bag. Three large fries, twenty nuggets and two Coke cans that he must've grabbed from a store.

"You didn't call me during the day." He says.

I swallow my bite before relating the whole day to him when suddenly he says, "I didn't really get much sleep either last night."

I look down at the nuggets in front of me when he says, "Is it okay if I ask you something?"

"Sure." I nod, looking up.

He takes a deep breath, "So, I know it was your first time. I've never told you about this, but do you know mine?"

I blush at this as I shake my head, "I've always just kind of assumed that you and Cla-" Before I can finish, Ben cuts in, "Oh no. God not her."

I just shake my head and shrug, "I don't know then."

He reaches out and cups my cheek in his hand as he says, "You were my first time too."

I'm so shocked that I drop the nugget that I'm holding. "But..."

"But I'm the soccer captain? More or less your typical jock? But no, I'd never before last night." He meets me eyes.

Silently, I lean forward and rest my head on his shoulder, "This makes it that much more special."

"For me too." He says and I then I feel his kiss my head.

"We really get to spend the next four years in one place." I blurt out of nowhere.

I hear Ben laugh softly, "I'm really excited to see what's in store."

I sit up and look at him, "Me too."

After a silent make out session, Ben leaves and I dispose the food wrappers in my dustbin so that the helpers will remove it from here and mom won't get to question it. Sunday passes without any event and I just talk to Ben over messages.

On Monday I'm in the library during my free period when the librarian comes over to me and says, "Hazel, the principal wants to see you."

I'm confused as I say, "Okay."

I pack my books and then walk to the principal's office which is next to the high school buildings. The principal's secretary recognizes me since I've been here plenty after winning swimming competitions and of course, I have been swim captain for all four years of high school.

"She's waiting for you." The secretary tells me. I leave my schoolbag with her and push the door open.

"Hazel. Good morning." The principal smiles.

"Good morning." I smile back.

"I won't keep you in the dark any longer. I've called you here to offer you the role of Valedictorian for your class's graduation." She says to me.

I'm stunned at the news so sounding dumb I ask, "Really?"

The principal laughs, "Of course! You're one of our finest academic students and of course your athletic achievements are outstanding!"

I just nod as my brain processes the news.

"So? Will you take on the role?" She looks at me.

I nod, "I'll be honored to."

"Perfect!" She smiles just as shouts from outside reach her office.

"Excuse me, Hazel. You're free to head back to class. The senior school headmistress will be informed and she'll give you further instructions for graduation day. Now, I must go see what this noise is all about."

She heads out of her office and I follow close behind. The second I see what's going on outside, my mouths falls open and I force myself to control my laughter as the principal marches across the courtyard towards the football field where Ben, Liam and a few soccer team players are tossing Henry and some other football player's clothes between them as they run around with towels wrapped around their waists.

Once the principal is out of earshot, I sit on the steps outside her office and burst into laughter. I've barely gained control over myself as the principal marches back with the culprits in tow.

I wink at Ben as he passes by me who slows down a little and kisses my cheek before walking into the principal's office.

2 to go :)


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