38: Pre-Christmas Party

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I'm on door duty so whenever someone arrives I'm supposed to greet them while two butlers stand by to help the guests with their jackets and coats. Every year mom and dad host a Pre-Christmas party since everyone has family obligations on actual Christmas day. So, two nights before Christmas, here we are.

I'm dressed in a navy blue knee length dress with matching heels and my hair is neatly curled, pinned back from my face. I'm checking my phone when Ash and Angelina arrive together.

"Hi guys!" I'm excited to have friends over because it's been nearly a week since school ended and I haven't gotten a chance to see any of them except Ben.

"Hey, you look amazing!" Angelina gushes.

"Thank you. But look who's talking." And Angelina does look stunning in her maroon dress.

"Everyone is through those doors." I point to the doors that open into a big room that mom and dad have always kept empty for parties like these.

"Is Liam here?" Ash asks.

"Yeah, he got here just before you guys." I tell them just as I hear more people arrive.

I instantly recognize Charles's voice. I turn around to find Mia walking towards me.

"Hi Mia." I say as she embraces me.

"Hello, Hazel. You look lovely." She smiles at me.

"Thank you." I smile back and greet Conley and Lola and crouch down to give Charles a hug. He get fussy about the hug and I laugh as Mia and Conley lead him and Lola through the double doors towards the party.

I noticed that Ben wasn't with them but he walks in not a moment later. My heart melts at the sight of him impeccably dressed in a black suit as all the men are at the party.

"Hey." He says and I just get to whisper a "Hi" back before he wraps an arm around my waist and reels me in for a kiss.

We're both aware of the butlers standing by so he pulls away too quickly, leaving me out of breathe, nonetheless. I touch my hair pins to make sure that they're still in place and thankfully they are. Ben stays in the foyer to keep me company.

"Hi Aunt Elana!" I exclaim when I see her walk.

"Hi Hazel." She pulls me into a hug.

"It's been so long since I saw you." She says.

I sigh, "Senior year has been super busy."

"I know." She smiles at me and then looks at Ben, "Morgan told me about your new boyfriend. I'm really happy for you two."

Elana needs no introduction to Ben, everyone from my family knows who he is and they've met him at some point.

"Is Morgan coming home for Christmas?" I ask, referring to the Christmas dinner at grandparents.

She nods, "Yes. He's in fact, coming here. His flight got delayed an hour. He's on his way." I don't ask about Uncle David, I've never seen him over at our house and all I've been told is that there's some bad blood between him and dad from some time ago but it's quite serious.

"Oh! Did you come with grandma and grandpa?" I ask.

"Right here." I hear grandma say as she walks in.

"Hi grandma!" I squeal, excited to see her.

"Hello Hazel." She hugs me and then turns to Ben, "And hello, Ben."

"Hello." Ben says and before he has time to process it he is pulled into a hug by her. I silently laugh at the surprise on Ben's face and share a smirk with Aunt Elana over grandma's shoulder. I meet grandpa next but he forgoes the hug with Ben and instead firmly shakes his hand.

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