19: D Is For

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"Bryant invited the two of us over for dinner." Dad tells me.

"Yeah, Adam told me." I say and then look at him, "So what did you decide?"

"I'm not sure if dinner at a director's house will be appropriate for me." He sighs and leans back in his dining chair.

I rest my arms on the dining table and lean forward, "But dad, I've only been to his house to pick him up or drop him off and dinner with parents is supposed to be your next big step in a relationship. Please can we go?"

Dad looks at me and sighs again before dialing Jeremy's number to clear his schedule for tomorrow night. When he gets off the phone, he looks at me.

"There's a meeting of the board of directors tomorrow night. Bryant and I will probably head to the office from his house. We can take an extra car and driver with us to bring you back home."

"That's okay, Adam said he'll drop me off." I tell dad.

I think back of my conversation with dad on our way to Adam's house. Bryant had invited mom too but since Adam's parents are divorced and his mother is in New York, mom backed out of dinner and decided to take Sebastian out instead for some mother-son time.

The driver stops the car outside the Davis's house and dad and I get out. I offered to bring along a dish when I called Adam to confirm the plan but he insisted that his father wanted to cook dinner. So instead on my way home from school, I got Adam's favorite chocolates which I now hold in a red paper gift bag.

Dad rings the bell and not a moment later, Bryant answers the door.

"Daniel! Thank you so much for coming." He says, shaking hands with dad.

"Thank you for having us over." Dad says back.

"Hi, Mr. Davis." I smile as Adam's dad turns to me.

"Hello, Mr. Aaron." I hear Adam say as he joins us and shakes hands with dad.

The fathers walk ahead of us into the dining room but we linger behind. Once the adults are out of sight, Adam wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me.

"Thanks for coming over." He whispers against my lips.

I quietly kiss him back and then pull away to hand him the gift bag. When he looks inside, his face lights up.

"No way! Hazel, you shouldn't have." He looks up, smiling at me.

"You forbade me from bringing over food for dinner so I thought something sweet should suffice." I laugh as he leads me through the kitchen to the dining room.

While dad and Bryant talk, I help Adam put out the food and then we all sit down for dinner.

"Are cheese potatoes a favorite of Adam's at home too?" I ask his father who nods, "How do you know?"

"He always tries to get those when we go out for food. One time we went to a restaurant that didn't serve them so he paid extra to get boiled potatoes and melted cheese then mixed them together himself." I tell Bryant, making everyone laugh.

Sometime during dinner, Adam takes my hand under the table and we eat with one hand each. When it's time for dad and Bryant to leave, we leave the house with them. Dad and Bryant drive off in their separate cars and I start towards Ben's parked car when he pulls me back.

"The house is empty. Do you want to stay for a little while longer?" He asks and the look in his eyes makes me nod.

We barely make it into the house and close the door after us before Adam pulls me to his room. He gently pushes me against the room's wall and kisses me. I push my hands into his hair as euphoria takes over.

His lips move from my mouth to my neck and I gasp at the sensation that flows through my body. My denim jacket falls to the floors as he pushes down my shirt from one shoulder and kisses my shoulder. I'm gasping at every touch. I push him onto the bed and straddle his waist as I continue kissing him.

I'm lost in his touch when suddenly his hands move down to my pants and I jerk away.

"Sorry." I breathe as I touch my forehead to his.

"It's okay." He whispers back and starts to touch my pants' button again when I finally straighten up and sit down on the bed.

"Adam, I'm really not ready for this." I say as I get up and pick my jacket off the floor. I pretend to check my phone and say, "The driver dad sent is here to pick me up."

"Okay." Is all he says as I leave the room and head out of the house.

My heart is still hammering as I reach the curb and look up a ride on Uber. Thirty minutes later I have the Uber drive drop me off a few houses away from my own and then walk the rest of the way.

"You're back!" Mom says when I walk past the living room.

"Yeah. Adam just dropped me off." I lie and shove my shaking hands into my jacket's pockets.

"You should have invited him in." She says but I shake my head, "He was in a hurry to get home. Tomorrow is a school day after all."

"Right." Mom nods in understanding.

"I'm going to head to bed." I tell her and then say goodnight before going to my room.

When I finally close my bedroom door behind me, the night comes crashing back. Back in Adam's room and throughout the Uber ride I thought that I was shaken at the idea of sex but now that I think about it all, I realize that's not it at all.

Sex is something I think about from time to time and I'm strong willed enough to know when the right time is so that doesn't scare me at all.

I think of the way his arms suddenly tightened when I started to sit up, that's when the panic began and I think of the hollow look in his eyes when I glanced back at him before leaving the room.

It's Adam who I'm scared of.

I know the chapter name is very strange. But let your imagination run wild. D can be for dinner, it can be for d*ck, it can be for dread, it can be for disappointment. However you wish to interpret this chapter ;)


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