"What's reflection time? And when did you get a new belt?" I asked, clearly missing the big picture of Mike's message.

"You'll find out soon enough what reflection time is and it's none of your concern when, where, why, or how I purchased my new belt," Mike spoke sternly.

"Just asked when, but whatever," I mumbled, before rolling my eyes and exhaling out of exasperation.

"Care to stand within arm's reach and repeat that snide remark?" Mike's temper was flaring as he flexed the fingers of his left hand into a tight fist.

"No sir." I may be obstinate but I'm neither dense nor a masochist.

"I didn't think so. Now let's start counting the lies while you're over my knee. Shall we?" Mike didn't wait for a response. He swiftly took a seat and pulled me over his knee, baring my bottom in record time. Mike began spanking me firmly as he started his interrogation.

"Did you go to the library last night?" Mike continued to spank my behind at a steady pace.

"No," I said, trying to adjust myself on his lap into a less painful position.

Mike started slapping my thighs relentlessly.

"I expect you to address me as sir with each response. I know you've been taught that, I shouldn't have to remind you."

"Ow, ow, fu..fudge," I stopped myself from swearing. "Sir, I meant no sir. Please stop spanking my thighs, sir," I begged Mike. My upper thighs burned as if a thousand tiny needles were pricking me.

Mike stopped focusing on my thighs and began spanking only my left buttock. 

"Lie number one. Did you meet up with your world history classmates to work on your school project?"

"No sir." I continued to struggle on his lap as I writhed uncomfortably.

Mike switched to solely spanking my right buttcheek.

"Lie number two. Did another car cause the damage to my vehicle?"

"No sir." I tried in vain to slide my ass off of Mike's thighs. He quickly repositioned me and started spanking me harder.

Mike focused the hardest spanks yet on my sit spots.

"Lie number three. Did you break curfew because of an accident or because you were somewhere you weren't supposed to be?"

"I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be, sir." I tried pushing myself off his lap by pressing my hands against the floor but Mike once again immobilized me and started spanking even harder.

"Lie number four, Lisa." After another two minutes, Mike stopped spanking me. "Stand."

I stood and started to pull my underwear and pants up but Mike slapped my hands.

"I told you to stand, not to pull your underwear and pants up."

My eyes widened as I watched Mike unbuckle his belt. 

"You need to start listening. Now bend over my desk."

As soon as I bent over, Mike held his right hand against the small of my back and cracked his belt across my backside ten times without even pausing to take a breath.

"That's for the attitude you gave me earlier. Not a wise decision to give your extremely pissed off guardian lip. Was it?"

"No sir," I said sadly. My tears fell while I tried to rub away some of the burn his belt left on my bottom.

"Stand and pull your underwear and pants up," Mike commanded, as he laced his belt back through his pant loops.

I slowly redressed. My bottom stung terribly from both Mike's strong punishing palm and his belt. I wiped the tears from my eyes and used the box of tissues Mike handed me to blow my nose.

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