Teacher's Notes

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Julie's pov

As it turns out, yes, my day could get worse, a lot worse. In my haste to get ready this morning, I forgot my homework assignment, so instead of going out for recess I had to stay in the classroom and redo the homework I already did yesterday, plus I have to bring back a note tomorrow signed by a parent acknowledging I forgot my homework.

The class jerk Devon tripped me when I rushed in trying to avoid being late. I fell and bruised my knee and my backpack opened, spilling my pencils and folders everywhere. Of course everyone laughed at me. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Instead of yelling at Devon, the teacher told me to quit goofing around and sit down so class could begin. I was so mad at Devon and my stupid teacher.

At lunch, I couldn't get the straw into my Caprisun pouch and I ended up getting red juice on my favorite pink shirt. What's worse, is the cafeteria was serving fish sticks. I hate fish sticks but I was so hungry from skipping breakfast I had to eat something.

Every time Mrs. Collins called on me in class, I didn't know the answer. I felt stupid and embarrassed. I was tired, hungry, and frustrated. Mostly frustrated with myself for getting Shane in trouble with Dr. Curtis because I was being selfish. Mrs. Collins gave me another note for Shane to sign saying I wasn't paying attention in class and I fell asleep during reading time.

Gym class wasn't any better. I was the last one out of the locker room because I couldn't find one of my gym shoes. Shelley dared me to throw the dodgeball at Mr. Sims while he was going over the rules of the game and I did. Only problem was he turned around right as the ball left my hand so he knew I was the one who hit him in the face. In my defense, it was supposed to have hit the back of his head. He shouldn't have turned around. That resulted in note #3 for Shane to sign, acknowledging my disrespectful behavior towards my gym teacher.

In case you're wondering, yes, there was a note #4. My music teacher wasn't happy I taught half the class some lesser known, more colorful verses to the song IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT. In my defense, Stacey actually taught me those.

On the bus ride home, I filled my sisters in on my lovely day and asked them what I should do about the notes.

Carrie, God bless her, said, "What do you mean what should you do? You have to give Shane all the notes so he can sign them. That's the only thing you can do."

Oh dear sweet Carrie. To be so innocent and naive.

Lisa suggested, "Just give Shane the note that's going to get you in the least amount of trouble to sign. Then you can just copy his signature on the other three."

I like where you're going with this Lisa but I would still like to explore options where I don't get in ANY trouble.

Enter Stacey.

"Obviously, you should just forge his signature on all four notes and not tell him about any of them."

Yes, Cuz. Now that's our shared DNA talkin'. I like the way you think.

"Like this." Stacey grabs one of the notes out of my hand and forges Shane's signature rather effortlessly.

"Oh my gosh, Stacey, what did you just do?" Carrie accuses, clearly mortified by Stacey's flagrant disregard for the moral code.

"So what are you gonna do?" Lisa asks, as the bus turns onto the street leading to the Center.

"Well since I'm already skating on thin ice with Shane, I think I'm going to go with Stacey's plan. I can't risk falling through that ice." I quickly scribble Shane's name on the other three notes and shove them in my backpack as the bus pulls up to the front door. I can't help but feel a sense of dread as I zip my backpack closed. I feel like I'm sealing my fate at the same time.

What I didn't know, was that after note #2, the principal calls your parents. Shane knew about all the notes three hours ago.

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