A lie of omission

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Julie's pov

As soon as I saw Mike and Shane walk out of the auto repair shop, I knew that Lisa was in for a world of hurt. What a dumbass. I told her she would never get away with that story about how Mike's car got damaged. Oh well, not to be a bad sister or anything, but better her than me. I'm already on thin enough ice with Mike as it is and I really don't want to fall through.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but by the look of things, Shane was trying unsuccessfully to calm Mike down. He grabbed Mike's arm, holding him back and Mike turned around ripping his arm from Shane's grasp with a look of fury on his face so intense, I think I peed my pants a little and I'm not even the one in the most trouble right now.

After some wild gesturing and heated yelling on Mike's part, my two guardians finally got in the car. Shane slid in behind the wheel without saying a word.

Mike however, entered enveloped in a fog of hostility and turned to me barking his accusation, "You knew the truth about this, didn't you?"

I quickly and adamantly shook my head, indicating I in fact did not know as I sunk further into the backseat, hoping it would engulf me as it transported me to Narnia.

"Are you lying to me, Julie?" Mike was so pissed, I seriously didn't know what to do. I was terrified of lying to him again but I was even more scared to tell the truth. I looked wide eyed at the back of Shane's head, hoping somehow my Jedi mind trick would force him to turn around and get me out of this extremely uncomfortable position I currently found myself in as I sweated profusely.

Instead, without turning around, Shane looked at me in the rearview mirror and commanded, "Answer him now, Julie!"

I swallowed audibly, trying to garner enough saliva and nerve to respond. Apparently, my kinetic powers of persuasion needed some work.

"Truth about what? I don't even know what you're talkin' about." I went with the old fallback response, denial.

"My car, Julie. Do you know how my car was damaged?" Mike was clearly frustrated.

"No," I lied.

Mike continued to glare at me.

"Are you sure?" he asked, unconvinced.

"I don't know exactly. I mean, I wasn't there," I replied evasively.

"Stop fencing with me and stop lying, Julie. Did you know where Lisa was going that night?" Mike glared at me, daring me to lie again.

"Yes, I knew where she was going." I looked away as I answered to avoid seeing the anger plastered on Mike's face.

Mike rubbed the back of his neck trying to alleviate some of the tension building in his muscles.

"Do you know how my car was damaged?" Judging by his tone, Mike had run out of patience.

I looked out the window, hoping to see my knight in shining armor riding by atop a white horse on his way to rescue me but instead, all I saw was a pile of tires and a sign promoting a special on new brake pads. I sighed, resigned to my reality.

"Yes, I know how your car was damaged," I mumbled softly, head down.

I jumped about a foot in the air when Mike slammed his hands on the dashboard of Shane's car so forcefully I swear the entire car shook. Shane gave Mike a look and he held up his hands in an apologetic gesture.

"When we get back to the Center, while Shane wakes up your sister, you will accompany me to my room without argument or complaint. Am I clear?"

I nodded, keeping my head down to avoid meeting the ice cold look in Mike's eyes.

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