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Another week had passed and the punk boy had got into so many fights that I can't even count with my fingers. I still don't know why he behaves like that but one thing I'm sure, I never got between him and the person he was fighting with. Maybe, but just maybe, he misses that deeply inside.

Beth hadn't text me yet too and Peter had been with his friends, only resting me and my lonely self.

I met a nice guy, Jack. He was from another school course and after my last class, in this case geography, we agreed to meet at the nearest coffee shop around the block. I definitely needed to make new friends.

Hey mom, I'm meeting with a friend at the coffee shop so I'm not going home soon, kisses

Mommy ❤️
Ok, have fun :)

My geography class was almost ending and it was pretty chill. I didn't have a guy called Dominic looking at me and didn't have that horrible feeling that someone was watching me for a good amount of time.

"So, everybody understood how the rainfall charts work? I don't want you to go back to your houses feeling that you didn't understand it that well" The teacher pointed to the board.

Everyone in the class said in unison "Yes" and at the same time leaving the teacher suspicious.

"I'm going to pretend you all said the truth" She laughed as well as my whole class too.

As always I was the last person leaving the class room.

I started walking to the school exit and hearing all the girls gossiping and some guys talking about games, others about soccer and the least important, checking on other girls and flirting with them.
What a society we live in.

I left school and my ears were being blessed listening to Polarize by Twenty One Pilots all happy and jamming to my favorite band when I bumped into someone unintentionally.

"Watch out twag" I heard a loud, rude male voice.

I automatically apologized not even knowing who I bumped into and then removed one of my earphones from my ear gazing at that boy who was glaring at his phone a few seconds ago.

"Hope that doesn't happen again" The annoyed tone was heard again.

I glanced at the person almost in front of me and it was the one and only...Dominic.

When he found out who that person was, his eyes went fully wide. I guess we're meant to find each other even when we're trying to ignore each other.

"Accidents happen" I said putting back my earphone on my left ear and continuing my way to the caffee, ignoring him.

From my mobile phone I could see that he was still glancing at me for a while until he did his way to wherever he was going.

I made my way to the coffee shop and still quite mad about what happened a few moments ago.

As I finally reached my destination, Jack was already waiting for me, so I went to the table he was sitting.

"Hi cutie" He said getting up of his chair, grabbing my waist and kissing my cheek.

Those actions itself can be seen as innocent for some, but for me, it made me feel way more uncomfortable that it should be.

"Hm, hey" I replied with a forced smile.

I sat down on the cold chair, grabbed the menu and looked at it while talking with Jack.

I ignored what he did when he saw me and pretended it didn't happen. I'm not used to guys treating me in that way without having any confidence with them and only knowing them for a couple of days.


We had been talking for about an hour, he was acting normal and it didn't correspond to his behavior earlier.

"I was enjoying this conversation about you and your friends doing silly things" I chuckled "But I need to go" I got up and put the money on the table.

He kept insisting on paying and I accepted since he didn't shut up about it.

"Are you going to do something after this?" He got closer to me slowly.

"Yeah, I'm going to study, I have an exam in two days" I said in a rush.

"Wait, you could study at my house" He suggested in a weird voice making me suspect once again.

I felt my heart beating fast and starting to panic, we all knew what comes next. Guys don't take a no as a reply.

"No, I enjoy studying alone" I fixed my purse avoiding any eye contact with him.

"Oh, c'mon, it will be fun" He grabbed my wrist and it began to sting a little.

"No, seriously, but thanks anyway" I panicked a lot and freeing my wrist from his prisionous hands "Bye, have a nice day Jack" I fake smiled leaving the place as fast as I could.

I walked for about 3 minutes and someone grabbed my wrist again. I really was an inch from having a panic attack right there.

"You should really come to my house. I know that you deeply inside want it as much as me, we could even do it together" He was getting really close to me not letting go of my wrist.

"Stop, I really don't want anything with you" My voice was cracking, having a really bad feeling. My private space was being invaded and it became evident to everyone around us.

"Oh darling, we would have so much fun" He grabbed my other wrist and kept leaning closer to my face. The way his words enrolled out of his mouth hurt more than the bruises he was leaving on my wrists.

I felt his cold breath close to my lips and nose. I felt his desire to have me while I felt my body losing strenght and accept what was going to happen.

"Stop please" I begged almost crying.

He wasn't stopping at any costs and I didn't know what to do. I lost all my strength and escaping was out of the list.

"Leave her alone mate, can't you see that she doesn't want to go home with you?" I heard that same rude and loud voice from earlier.

I glanced beside me and Dominic was there, right next to me.

"Nah, she'll go with me" Jack left my left wrist, beginning to push me from the right one.

"No she won't, please but please don't make me loose my mind, I'm clearly not in a good mood" Dominic changed his voice for an angry, dominant voice.

"Please, just let me go" I begged one last time while I kept trying to free my wrist, but mission failed "Please, you're really hurting me"

"Let her go" He got closer to us taking step by step slowly.

"Just leave us and go bully other kids" He laughed at his own joke and I could see from Dominic's eyes that he was beginning to loose his mind.

Jack pushed one more time and a painful whine escaped from my lips and that's when Dominic snapped.

"LET HER FUCKING GO" He released the anger inside him punching Jack's face with enough strength to make him bleed really bad.

My first instinct was to run to Dominic arms and gripped my fragile arms around him so tightly so I could be sure no one could take me from his side.

Strange Looks || YungbludNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ